When running the trunk regression test suite on windows, the test time_point_output_h (at: results\boost\bin.v2\libs\chrono\test\time_point_output_h.test\msvc-9.0\debug\asynch-exceptions-on\time_point_output_h.exe) crashes, causing an interruption in the regression test. The output I have for it is with msvc-9.0, but I believe that it happens for other versions as well. Below is the stack trace for the crash, as well as some debugger variables at various points in the stack. msvcr90d.dll!_expandtime(localeinfo_struct * plocinfo=0x0018fa20, char specifier='T', const tm * timeptr=0x0018fc44, char * * string=0x0018fa48, unsigned int * left=0x0018fa30, __lc_time_data * lc_time=0x0027b740, unsigned int alternate_form=0) Line 832 + 0x24 bytes C++ msvcr90d.dll!_Strftime_l(char * string=0x00279c29, unsigned int maxsize=16, const char * format=0x0018fade, const tm * timeptr=0x0018fc44, void * lc_time_arg=0x0027b740, localeinfo_struct * plocinfo=0x00000000) Line 414 + 0x29 bytes C++ msvcr90d.dll!_Strftime(char * string=0x00279c28, unsigned int maxsize=16, const char * format=0x0018fadc, const tm * timeptr=0x0018fc44, void * lc_time_arg=0x0027b740) Line 346 + 0x1b bytes C++ msvcp90d.dll!std::time_put > >::do_put(std::ostreambuf_iterator > _Dest={...}, std::ios_base & __formal={...}, std::ios_base & __formal={...}, const tm * _Pt=0x0018fc44, char _Specifier='T', char _Modifier=0) Line 497 + 0x45 bytes C++ msvcp90d.dll!std::time_put > >::put(std::ostreambuf_iterator > _Dest={...}, std::ios_base & _Iosbase={...}, char _Fill=' ', const tm * _Pt=0x0018fc44, const char * _Fmtfirst=0x0018fc32, const char * _Fmtlast=0x0018fc33) Line 430 + 0x30 bytes C++ time_point_output_h.exe!boost::chrono::operator<<,boost::chrono::duration > >(std::basic_ostream > & os={...}, const boost::chrono::time_point > > & tp={...}) Line 961 + 0x74 bytes C++ time_point_output_h.exe!test_good_utc_fmt_system_clock > >(const char * str=0x0044f680, const char * fmt=0x0044f674, boost::chrono::duration > d={...}) Line 77 + 0x5c bytes C++ time_point_output_h.exe!check_all_system_clock() Line 177 + 0x30 bytes C++ time_point_output_h.exe!main() Line 227 C++ time_point_output_h.exe!__tmainCRTStartup() Line 586 + 0x19 bytes C time_point_output_h.exe!mainCRTStartup() Line 403 C kernel32.dll!75dc336a() [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for kernel32.dll] ntdll.dll!77379f72() ntdll.dll!77379f45() time_point_output_h.exe!test_good_symbol > >(const char * str=0x00000000, boost::chrono::duration<__int64,boost::ratio<1,10> > d={...}) Line 52 + 0x61 bytes C++ msvcr90d.dll!_expandtime(localeinfo_struct * plocinfo=0x0018fa20, char specifier='T', const tm * timeptr=0x0018fc44, char * * string=0x0018fa48, unsigned int * left=0x0018fa30, __lc_time_data * lc_time=0x0027b740, unsigned int alternate_form=0) Line 832 + 0x24 bytes C+++ plocinfo 0x0018fa20 {locinfo=0x0027ba38 mbcinfo=0x00271a28 } localeinfo_struct * specifier 84 'T' char + timeptr 0x0018fc44 {tm_sec=0 tm_min=0 tm_hour=2 ...} const tm * + string 0x0018fa48 char * * + left 0x0018fa30 unsigned int * + lc_time 0x0027b740 {wday_abbr=0x0027b740 wday=0x0027b75c month_abbr=0x0027b778 ...} __lc_time_data * alternate_form 0 unsigned int temp 1636820 unsigned int wdaytemp 1932269437 int time_point_output_h.exe!boost::chrono::operator<<,boost::chrono::duration > >(std::basic_ostream > & os={...}, const boost::chrono::time_point > > & tp={...}) Line 961 + 0x74 bytes C++ - &tm 0x0018fc44 {tm_sec=0 tm_min=0 tm_hour=2 ...} tm * tm_sec 0 int tm_min 0 int tm_hour 2 int tm_mday 1 int tm_mon 0 int tm_year 70 int tm_wday 0 int tm_yday 0 int tm_isdst 0 int failed false bool - os {...} std::basic_ostream > & - std::basic_ios > {_Mystrbuf=0x0018fd48 _Tiestr=0x00000000 _Fillch=' ' } std::basic_ios > + std::ios_base {_Stdstr=0 _Mystate=0 _Except=0 ...} std::ios_base + _Mystrbuf 0x0018fd48 {_Seekhigh=0x00279b88 "1970-01-01 ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍýýýý" _Mystate=5 _Al={...} } std::basic_streambuf > * + _Tiestr 0x00000000 std::basic_ostream > * _Fillch 32 ' ' char + pb 0x0018fc28 "%Y-%m-%d %T" const char * + pe 0x0018fc33 "" const char * - tpf {_Tnames={...} _Cvt={...} } const std::time_put > > & + std::locale::facet {_Refs=1 } std::locale::facet + _Tnames {_Timeptr=0x0027b740 } std::_Timevec + _Cvt {_Hand=0 _Page=0 } _Cvtvec time_point_output_h.exe!test_good_utc_fmt_system_clock > >(const char * str=0x0044f680, const char * fmt=0x0044f674, boost::chrono::duration > d={...}) Line 77 + 0x5c bytes C++ + d {rep_=2 } boost::chrono::duration > + fmt 0x0044f674 "%Y-%m-%d %T" const char * - out {_Stringbuffer={...} } std::basic_ostringstream,std::allocator > - std::basic_ostream > {...} std::basic_ostream > + std::basic_ios > {_Mystrbuf=0x0018fd48 _Tiestr=0x00000000 _Fillch=' ' } std::basic_ios > + _Stringbuffer {_Seekhigh=0x00279b88 "1970-01-01 ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍýýýý" _Mystate=5 _Al={...} } std::basic_stringbuf,std::allocator > - tp {d_={...} } boost::chrono::time_point > > + d_ {rep_=2 } boost::chrono::duration >