The procedures below proof that boost shared_ptr fails with EINVAL on AIX 7.1 if compiled using atomic. Note: ilona is our test application which is using the boost library. preconditions ============== patched: boost_1_55_0/boost/smart_ptr/detail/lwm_pthreads.hpp changes: added logging which reports locking errors and class ctor/dtor; patched: ilona.pbp changes: only builds ilona static/sharable objects including a simple test application (ilona_activator_test) build#1 ======= Build boost 1.55 on RHEL6 and AIX71 using identical bootstrap options. rhel6 ----- boost build: ./log/build-boost_x86_64-pc-linux-rhel6-gnu-64-debug.log ilona build: ./log/build-ilona_x86_64-pc-linux-rhel6-gnu-64-debug.log aix71 ----- boost build: build-boost-aix71-15663342-debug.log ilona build: build-ilona-aix71-16121982-debug.log - Both systems do have identical component configuration (check both boost logs). - Both system have no issues when building the boost library including the test application; - The files created in the stage/lib for both boost build differ, on aix also libboost_atomic.a is created; rhel6: libboost_filesystem.a libboost_program_options.a libboost_regex.a libboost_serialization.a libboost_system.a libboost_thread.a libboost_wserialization.a aix71: libboost_filesystem.a libboost_program_options.a libboost_regex.a libboost_serialization.a libboost_system.a libboost_thread.a libboost_wserialization.a libboost_atomic.a - On aix executing ilona_test_activator_test fails, check the ilona build log "build-ilona-aix71-16121982-debug.log"; A coredump is create: core.5308560.04090902 A trace trace is provided in file: callstack.log build#2 ======= Build boost 1.55 on AIX71, only change with build#1 is that compiler option -DBOOST_THREAD_DONT_USE_ATOMIC has been defined. AIX71 ----- boost build: build-boost-aix71-12583090-debug.log ilona build: build-ilona-aix71-11796734-debug.log - The files created in the stage/lib are identical to build#1 aix71: libboost_filesystem.a libboost_program_options.a libboost_regex.a libboost_serialization.a libboost_system.a libboost_thread.a libboost_wserialization.a libboost_atomic.a - On aix executing ilona_test_activator_test succeeds, check the ilona build log "build-ilona-aix71-11796734-debug.log"; CONCLUSION: when BOOST_THREAD_DONT_USE_ATOMIC is defined no build/runtime errors occur. Internally in boost file smart_ptr/detail/lwm_pthreads.hpp is not used anymore.