{14} Active Tickets by Library / Component (3355 matches)

Results (1301 - 1400 of 3355)

geometry (27 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner
#9873 Boost.Geometry: boost::geometry::convex_hull makes a convex polygon look concave for certain values new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#8419 boost::geometry::intersection still broken with integer coordinates new Boost 1.53.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#11982 distance between point and linestring on spherical_equatorial ignores radius when using haversine. new Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#12929 linestring with zero points or a single point is not equal to itself new Boost 1.60.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#8380 sym_difference yields bad result for large numbers new Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#8366 "Overlay invalid input exception" (3) assigned Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#13571 difference results in invalid output new Boost 1.66.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#8362 Move ctor or assignment for boost::geometry::model::ring? new Boost 1.57.0 Support Requests Mateusz Loskot
#9244 Respect rings closure of polygon while reading WKB/WKT input new Boost Development Trunk Bugs Mateusz Loskot
#10659 svg_mapper output is offset for int-based point type new Boost 1.56.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#9969 When interior ring of polygon touches exterior new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#13215 Polygon union give a different result depending of the order new Boost 1.66.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#8183 boost::geometry::intersection on two polygons returns incorrect empty intersection assigned Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#9353 Complete stream-based interface for WKT/WKB geometry I/O new Boost Development Trunk Tasks Mateusz Loskot
#12393 Some geometry headers fail to compile indepedently new Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#12197 is_valid returns self-intersection error for multipolygons with many decimal new Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#9345 Add support for M component to WKT and WKB I/O new Boost Development Trunk Tasks Mateusz Loskot
#13522 Invalid empty result using boost::geometry::difference assigned Boost 1.66.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#13444 boost::geometry::buffer returns only partial result (regression over 1.63.0) assigned Boost 1.66.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#13519 Invalid result for boost::geometry::difference new Boost 1.66.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#13556 boost::geometry::within() is not finding a point within a segment new Boost 1.67.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#13510 Boost::intersection giving wrong results when intersection is calculated between 2 polygons in Boost-1.61, where as Boost-1.55 is giving correct results. new Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#11580 invalid buffer result assigned Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#9339 Switch WKB parser to use Boost.Endian new Boost Development Trunk Tasks Mateusz Loskot
#13196 buffer produces incorrect corners from linestring with asymmetric distance strategy new Boost 1.65.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#13032 qvm/mat.hpp fails to compile when assign/list_of.hpp has been included first new Boost 1.64.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels
#9758 boost::geometry::index::rtree does not compile with CoordinateSystem geographic< new Boost 1.55.0 Feature Requests Barend Gehrels

Getting Started Guide (17 matches)

#11316 Getting Started on Windows Documentation - Does bootstrap.bat Need the Toolchain as an Argument? new Boost Development Trunk Tasks Dave Abrahams
#12464 Mention dependencies on zlib etc. and how to reconfigure new Boost 1.61.0 Feature Requests Dave Abrahams
#957 The "Getting Started" page does not mention the stdlib option new Boost 1.34.0 Bugs 1 Thomas Witt
#4349 Autolinking against debug STLport new Boost Development Trunk Bugs Dave Abrahams
#10881 address-model=64 combined with --with-libraries results in x86 built new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Dave Abrahams
#10362 Invalid directory in Boost Build getting started new Boost 1.56.0 Bugs Dave Abrahams
#11775 Documentation points wrong folder new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Dave Abrahams
#9121 "Getting Started": Atomic missing from libs requiring to be built new Boost 1.54.0 Bugs Dave Abrahams
#10692 No "/lib" directory or precompiled library binaries [1.56.0] new Boost 1.56.0 Bugs Beman Dawes
#5786 Section 5.2 in Getting Started Guide is misleading new Boost 1.47.0 Bugs Dave Abrahams
#2806 Link to cross-compile instructions from Getting Started new Boost 1.38.0 Feature Requests Dave Abrahams
#12462 Wish INSTALL file had more content new Boost 1.61.0 Feature Requests Dave Abrahams
#12463 Mention -j option for b2 new Boost 1.61.0 Feature Requests Dave Abrahams
#10361 Dead link for Boost Build in getting started guide new Boost 1.56.0 Bugs Dave Abrahams
#5443 Building multithreading (-mt) libs on Mac OS X 10.6 new Boost 1.47.0 Support Requests Dave Abrahams
#5348 "imperceptible" link in getting started new Boost 1.45.0 Bugs Dave Abrahams
#10560 [documentation] wrong path mentioned in getting started guide new Boost 1.56.0 Bugs Dave Abrahams

graph (56 matches)

#3478 Min cut interface for BGL assigned Boost 1.40.0 Feature Requests Andrew Sutton
#11341 dimacs_basic_reader reads corrupted data new Boost 1.58.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#7507 BGL subgraph copy constructor buggy new Boost 1.51.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#7502 Planarity test runs in quadratic time on some graphs new Boost 1.52.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#10805 Bugs: problem in push_relabel_max_flow algorithm when using std::numeric_limits<double>::max() as capacity in some edges new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#11355 Sloan ordering does not work on disconnected graphs new Boost 1.58.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#7469 Parallel Graph: redistribute() does not compile for bidirected graphs new Boost 1.51.0 Patches Jeremiah Willcock
#11406 Bug in edge connectivity - directed graphs new Boost 1.58.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#9463 Boost subgraph copy constructor in 1.55.0 not working properly but works well i 1.46.0 new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#7387 marginal improvements to dijkstra_shortest_paths new Boost 1.52.0 Patches Jeremiah Willcock
#11300 I think the invariant in ResourceExtensionFunction for r_c_shortest_paths is not correct new Boost 1.58.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#11714 [subgraph.hpp] add_vertex(u_global, g) on a subgraph does not recursively add to parent subgraphs new Boost Development Trunk Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#10830 Clang static analyzer warns about <boost/graph/named_function_params.hpp> new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#10801 Used uninitialized error in boyer_myrvold_impl.hpp new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#7341 Vector subscript out of range exception when calling weighted_core_numbers reopened Boost 1.51.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#395 BGL graph types do not support allocators new None None Feature Requests 5 Douglas Gregor
#4899 Parallel graphs don't work with named vertices new Boost 1.45.0 Bugs ngedmond
#10222 root map not correctly computed by strong_components new Boost 1.56.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#12038 Max-flow algorithms not working with named parameters. new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#9493 labeled_graph may refer to and operate on released memory after removing a vertex by label new Boost 1.54.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#12272 vertex_iterator dereference has odd return value new Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#13188 VS2017 reports typecast error in two_bit_color_map.hpp new Boost 1.65.0 Patches Jeremiah Willcock
#9819 Documentation issue with Boost Graph Library new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#7107 Support property bundles as default parameter in graph algorithms new Boost 1.51.0 Feature Requests Jeremiah Willcock
#12526 test_graphs.cpp :Error: The operation "boost::undirected_graph*** is illegal new Boost Development Trunk Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#746 max flow with lower bounds (capacities) new None None Feature Requests 5 Douglas Gregor
#10903 planar_face_traversal function new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#11916 Problem with iterating foreach on in_edges of reverse_graph new Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#1326 Unable to check graph isomorphism using LEDA adapter reopened Boost Development Trunk Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#10896 astar_maze.cpp: Debug assertion under Windows MSVC-12 new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#9730 copy_graph doesn't use graph_traits new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#11908 mpi_process_group.cpp uses undefined class 'std::list' new Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#11260 stored_edge_property's copy constructor is implicitly deleted for some compilers new Boost 1.56.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#10895 graph - copy_component is broken new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#6839 distributed::adjacency_list fails to propagate mpi_process_group correctly new Boost 1.50.0 Patches Jeremiah Willcock
#3152 Obtaining a minimum s-t cut edge set new Boost 1.39.0 Feature Requests Douglas Gregor
#12186 Inclusion order for labeled_graph new Boost 1.54.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#9554 read_graphviz example code crashes new Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#11666 graph library documentation issues ("Using adjacency_list") new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#11374 find_flow_cost() not working with bundled or user-defined properties new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#12442 container_traits is closed for extension new Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#11804 Contribution: edge-disjoint k-shortest paths new Boost 1.57.0 Library Submissions Jeremiah Willcock
#13055 Couple doc typos new Boost 1.64.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#4466 "multiple paths" algorithms new Boost 1.44.0 Feature Requests Andrew Sutton
#9692 Add operator[](graph_bundle_t) to compressed_sparse_row_graph<bidirectionalS> new Boost 1.54.0 Feature Requests Jeremiah Willcock
#380 Support for bundled properties in graph adaptors reopened Boost 1.50.0 Bugs 5 Douglas Gregor
#9935 Support edge multiplicity in brandes_betweenness_centrality new Boost Development Trunk Feature Requests Jeremiah Willcock
#4393 all_eccentricities not in documented new Boost 1.43.0 Tasks Andrew Sutton
#6391 New reverse_graph edge descriptor type breaks shared property maps new Boost 1.48.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#11876 Boost.Graph conflicts with Qt's foreach macro new Boost 1.54.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#12700 Returned type mess with find_flow_cost new Boost 1.62.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#12701 Numerical error cause invalid input to dijkstra algorithm in min cost max flow code new Boost Development Trunk Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#13464 Boost failed to compile test in graph lib due to the error C2499. new Boost 1.63.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#11658 push_relabel_max_flow new Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#12048 Deprecated libstdc++ header used in adjacency_list.hpp new Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
#11015 Bug with boost/graph/detail/edge.hpp new Boost 1.57.0 Bugs Jeremiah Willcock
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.