Boost C++ Libraries: {15} Maintainers Trac Report - en-us Boost C++ Libraries /htdocs/site/boost.png Trac v1.4.3 Report Report Report Report Report <p> <a href="">Boost.Asio</a> is a cross-platform C++ library for network programming that provides developers with a consistent asynchronous I/O model using a modern C++ approach. </p> Report Report Report Report Report <p> <a href="">Boost.Bimap</a> is a bidirectional maps library for C++. With Boost.Bimap you can create associative containers in which both types can be used as key. </p> Report <p> <a href="">boost::bind</a> is a generalization of the standard functions <code>std::bind1st</code> and <code>std::bind2nd</code>. It supports arbitrary function objects, functions, function pointers, and member function pointers, and is able to bind any argument to a specific value or route input arguments into arbitrary positions. </p> Report <p> <a href="">Boost.Build</a> is a system for large project software construction, which is simple to use and powerful. </p> Report <p> The template class <a href="">call_traits&lt;T&gt;</a> encapsulates the "best" method to pass a parameter of some type <code>T</code> to or from a function. The purpose of <code>call_traits</code> is to ensure that problems like "references to references" never occur, and that parameters are passed in the most efficient manner possible. </p> Report Report <p> The <a href="">circular_buffer</a> is an STL compliant container. It is a kind of sequence similar to <code>std::list</code> or <code>std::deque</code>. The <code>circular_buffer</code> is especially designed to provide fixed capacity storage. When its capacity is exhausted, newly inserted elements will cause elements either at the beginning or end of the buffer (depending on what insert operation is used) to be overwritten. </p> Report <p> The <a href="">Boost Concept Checking Library</a> provides: </p> <ul><li>A mechanism for inserting compile-time checks of template parameters. </li><li>A framework for specifying concept requirements though concept checking classes. </li><li>A mechanism for verifying that concept requirements cover the template. </li><li>A suite of concept checking classes and archetype classes that match the concept requirements in the C++ Standard Library. </li></ul> Report <p> <a href="">Boost.Config</a> helps boost library developers adapt to compiler idiosyncrasies; not intended for library users. </p> Report <p> unix-style ./configure, make, make install support for Boost.Build </p> Report Report Report Report Report Report Report <p> The <a href="">Boost CRC Library</a> provides two implementations of CRC (cyclic redundancy code) computation objects and two implementations of CRC computation functions. The implementations are template-based. </p> Report <p> A set of <a href="">date-time libraries</a> based on generic programming concepts. </p> Report <p> <a href="">Boost.DisjointSets</a> provides disjoint sets operations with <em>union by rank</em> and <em>path compression</em>. </p> Report Report <p> The <a href="">dynamic_bitset</a> class represents a set of bits. It provides accesses to the value of individual bits via an <code>operator[]</code> and provides all of the bitwise operators that one can apply to builtin integers, such as <code>operator&amp;</code> and <code>operator&lt;&lt;</code>. The number of bits in the set is specified at runtime via a parameter to the constructor of the <code>dynamic_bitset</code>. </p> Report Report Report <p> The <a href="">Boost Filesystem Librar</a> provides portable facilities to query and manipulate paths, files, and directories. </p> Report Report <p> In C++, writing a loop that iterates over a sequence is tedious. We can either use iterators, which requires a considerable amount of boiler-plate, or we can use the <code>std::for_each()</code> algorithm and move our loop body into a predicate, which requires no less boiler-plate and forces us to move our logic far from where it will be used. In contrast, some other languages, like Perl, provide a dedicated "foreach" construct that automates this process. <a href="">BOOST_FOREACH</a> is just such a construct for C++. It iterates over sequences for us, freeing us from having to deal directly with iterators or write predicates. </p> Report <p> The format library provides a class for formatting arguments according to a format-string, as does printf, but with two major differences : </p> <ul><li>format sends the arguments to an internal stream, and so is entirely type-safe and naturally supports all user-defined types. </li><li>The ellipsis (...) can not be used correctly in the strongly typed context of format, and thus the function call with arbitrary arguments is replaced by successive calls to an <em>argument feeding</em> <strong>operator%</strong> </li></ul> Report <p> The <a href="">Boost.Function library</a> contains a family of class templates that are function object wrappers. </p> Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report <p> The <a href="">BGL</a> graph interface and graph components are generic, in the same sense as the the Standard Template Library (STL) </p> Report <p> <a href="">boost::hash</a> is an implementation of the <a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">​</span>hash function</a> object specified by the <a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">​</span>Draft Technical Report on C++ Library Extensions</a> (TR1). It is intended for use as the default hash function for unordered associative containers, and the <a href="">Boost Multi-Index Containers Library's</a> hash indexes. </p> Report Report Report Report <p> The organization of <a href="">boost integer</a> headers and classes is designed to take advantage of &lt;<em>stdint.h</em>&gt; types from the 1999 C standard without resorting to undefined behavior in terms of the 1998 C++ standard. The header &lt;<em>boost/cstdint.hp</em>&gt; makes the standard integer types safely available in namespace boost without placing any names in namespace std. </p> Report Report Report Report <p> The <a href="">I/O sub-library</a> of Boost helps segregate the large number of Boost headers. This sub-library should contain various items to use with/for the standard I/O library. </p> Report <p> <a href="">Boost.IOStreams</a> provides a framework for defining streams, stream buffers and i/o filters. </p> Report <p> The <a href="">Boost Iterator Library</a> contains two parts. The first is a system of <a href="">concepts</a> which extend the C++ standard iterator requirements. The second is a framework of components for building iterators based on these extended concepts and includes several useful iterator adaptors. </p> Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report <p> <a href="">Boost.Math</a> includes several contributions in the domain of mathematics: </p> <ul><li>The Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiple library provides run-time and compile-time evaluation of the greatest common divisor (GCD) or least common multiple (LCM) of two integers. </li><li>The Special Functions library currently provides eight templated special functions, in namespace boost. </li><li>The Complex Number Inverse Trigonometric Functions are the inverses of trigonometric functions currently present in the C++ standard. </li><li>Quaternions are a relative of complex numbers often used to parameterise rotations in three dimentional space. </li><li>Octonions, like quaternions, are a relative of complex numbers. </li></ul> Report Report Report <p> Boost.MPI is a library for message passing in high-performance parallel applications. A Boost.MPI program is one or more processes that can communicate either via sending and receiving individual messages (point-to-point communication) or by coordinating as a group (collective communication). </p> Report <p> The <a href="">Boost.MPL library</a> is a general-purpose, high-level C++ template metaprogramming framework of compile-time algorithms, sequences and metafunctions. It provides a conceptual foundation and an extensive set of powerful and coherent tools that make doing explict metaprogramming in C++ as easy and enjoyable as possible within the current language. </p> Report Report <p> <a href="">Boost.MultiArray</a> provides a generic N-dimensional array concept definition and common implementations of that interface. </p> Report <p> The <a href="">Boost Multi-index Containers Library</a> provides a class template named <code>multi_index_container</code> which enables the construction of containers maintaining one or more <em>indices</em> with different sorting and access semantics. </p> Report Report Report Report <p> Templates ease arithmetic classes and iterators. </p> Report Report <p> <a href="">Boost.Parameter Library</a> - Write functions that accept arguments by name. </p> Report <p> Define small unnamed function objects at the actual call site, and more. </p> Report Report Report <p> <a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">​</span></a> </p> Report Report <p> The <a href="">program_options library</a> allows program developers to obtain <em>program options</em>, that is (name, value) pairs from the user, via conventional methods such as command line and config file. </p> Report Report Report <p> Expression template library and compiler construction toolkit for domain-specific embedded languages </p> Report Report <p> The <a href="">Boost Python Library</a> is a framework for interfacing Python and C++. It allows you to quickly and seamlessly expose C++ classes functions and objects to Python, and vice-versa, using no special tools -- just your C++ compiler. </p> Report <p> <a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">​</span>QuickBook</a> is a <a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">​</span>WikiWiki</a> style documentation tool geared towards C++ documentation using simple rules and markup for simple formatting tasks. </p> Report Report Report Report Report Report <p> <a class="ext-link" href=""><span class="icon">​</span></a> </p> Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report <p> Boost.Statechart - Arbitrarily complex finite state machines can be implemented in easily readable and maintainable C++ code. </p> Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report <p> The <a href="">TR1 library</a> provides an implementation of the C++ Technical Report on Standard Library Extensions. This library does not itself implement the TR1 components, rather it's a thin wrapper that will include your standard library's TR1 implementation (if it has one), otherwise it will include the Boost Library equivalents, and import them into namespace <code>std::tr1</code>. </p> Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report <p> uBLAS provides matrix and vector classes as well as basic linear algebra routines. Several dense, packed and sparse storage schemes are supported. </p> Report Report Report Report Report Report Report <p> The <a href="">Boost.Wave</a> library is a Standards conformant, and highly configurable implementation of the mandated C99/C++ preprocessor functionality packed behind an easy to use iterator interface. </p> Report Report Report Report Report Report Report