{21} Open ticket count by Milestone (39 matches)

List count of open tickets by milestone. Details

Milestone Tickets
To Be Determined 2918
Boost 1.43.0 43
Boost 1.42.0 39
Boost 1.40.0 30
Boost 1.44.0 28
Boost 1.39.0 27
Boost 1.36.0 24
Boost 1.41.0 19
Boost 1.37.0 16
Boost 1.46.0 15
Boost 1.58.0 13
Boost 1.38.0 13
Boost 1.65.0 13
Boost 1.56.0 12
Website 1.X 11
Boost 1.48.0 10
Boost 1.61.0 10
Boost 1.57.0 8
Boost 1.54.0 8
Boost 1.59.0 6
Boost 1.49.0 6
Boost 1.55.0 6
Boost 1.47.0 5
Boost 1.68.0 5
Boost 1.62.0 4
Boost 1.52.0 4
Boost 1.66.0 4
Boost 1.50.0 3
Boost 1.64.0 3
Boost 1.63.0 3
Boost 1.69 2
Boost 1.67.0 2
Boost 1.45.0 2
Boost.Jam 4.0.0 2
Boost 1.51.0 2
Boost 1.60.0 2
Boost 1.53.0 1
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