{25} Open Patches count by Component (57 matches)

List count of open patches by component.

Component Tickets
asio 17
python USE GITHUB 16
build 10
ptr_container 10
iostreams 9
filesystem 9
graph 9
mpl 8
property_tree 8
serialization 6
date_time 6
parameter 6
interprocess 6
random 5
smart_ptr 5
Building Boost 5
spirit 4
concept_check 3
exception 3
iterator 3
program_options 2
lockfree 2
signals 2
dynamic_bitset 2
function 2
tokenizer 2
regex 2
accumulator 2
mpi 2
locale 2
utility 2
crc 2
test 1
interval 1
function_types 1
typeof 1
foreach 1
fusion 1
bind 1
rational 1
atomic 1
swap 1
heap 1
algorithm 1
numeric 1
units 1
tuple 1
winapi 1
TR1 1
Regression Testing USE GITHUB 1
multi_array 1
xpressive 1
geometry 1
system 1
functional/forward 1
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.