(72 matches)


Show under each result:

Status: assigned (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Type Milestone Component
#1836 bug in serializing wide character strings assigned Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#2326 Library does not directly support serializing data of type "foo**" assigned Bugs Boost 1.37.0 serialization
#5629 base64 encode/decode for std::istreambuf_iterator/std::ostreambuf_iterator assigned Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#5876 Serialization - tracking of non-versioned classes assigned Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#6515 Serilaization of std::vector<bool> is broken for optimizing archives assigned Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#12741 Linker error in cross compiling with x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ assigned Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#12837 Binary serialization: crash that may allow jump to attacker-controlled address assigned Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#12913 Undefined behaviour in serialization library assigned Bugs To Be Determined serialization

Status: new (48 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Type Milestone Component
#3447 After destruction binary_iarchive seeks to the end of file new Bugs serialization
#4307 basic_oarchive optimization new Patches Boost 1.43.0 serialization
#4635 segmentation fault in text_oarchive::save_binary() new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#4903 Serialization library in Boost 1.45 is unable to read archive created with Boost 1.39 new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#5299 Serialization throws an exception for loading binary archive on windows new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#5340 Patch to support concrete base classes becomming abstract classes new Patches To Be Determined serialization
#5499 Serialization backward compatability new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#5567 boost serialization 1_46_1 incompatible with prior versions due to backwards comparison new Bugs Boost 1.47.0 serialization
#5579 1_40_0 serialization break. new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#5640 serialization vector backward compatibility problem new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#6730 error reading archive created by old version when it contains pointer new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#6856 Critical problem with serialization and class versioning new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#7010 A few 32/64 bit warning fixes new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#7013 Serialization Versioning Broken new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#7047 Deriving custom archive classes from boost::archive::text_oarchive_impl and boost::archive::text_iarchive_impl new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#7240 serialization backward compatibility issue with class_id_type attribute new Patches To Be Determined serialization
#7303 XML Serialization - Skip/Ignore unexpected data. new Feature Requests To Be Determined serialization
#8088 Limited Forward Compatibility new Patches To Be Determined serialization
#8300 class_name_type is not bitwise serializable new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#8720 Fix for boost serialisation, portable binary archive on AIX new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#8771 Constructor of polymorphic archives new Feature Requests To Be Determined serialization
#9116 Binary serialization: bitwise copying should also apply to single POD objects (it now only seems to work on arrays/collections) new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#9253 Support for serializing std::u16string new Feature Requests To Be Determined serialization
#10167 Wide char tests fail with input stream error on QNX new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#10194 basic_xml_grammar<wchar_t> parses class_id failed new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#10310 serialization/smart_cast.hpp uses dynamic_cast and breaks non-RTTI builds new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#11548 Crosscompiling 1.59 with i686-w64-mingw32-g++ fails new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#12205 FTBFS boost.serialization 1.61: undefined reference to boost::archive::codecvt_null<wchar_t> new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#12243 Boost.Serialization compilation error in Visual Studio with Zc:wchar_t- new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#12450 oost/serialization/singleton.hpp:131: undefined reference to `boost::serialization::singleton_module::is_locked()' new Bugs Boost 1.63.0 serialization
#12641 binary_oarchive_impl constructor calls derived class before it is constructed. new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#13092 Serializing pointer makes sanitizer complain about "reference binding to misaligned address" new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#13185 serialization of null pointer fails in optimized builds new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#13186 Memory leak in serialization 1.65 new Bugs Boost 1.65.0 serialization
#13200 test_new_operator, develop branch, test '(2 == T::m_new_calls)' failed new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#13258 boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp memory leaks with MFC! new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#13259 seg fault at cleanup time, __run_exit_handlers new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#13270 BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT(some_template<>) fails to load pointers new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#13272 boost.serialization compile problem on Android new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#13286 warning C4141: 'dllexport': used more than once new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#13354 xml_iarchive destructor calls abort() new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#13400 boost::archive::xml_iarchive Exception in destructor: "input stream error-No error" new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#13437 array.hpp and boost_array.hpp share the same header guard new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#13456 Object tracking fails with pointer to variant's content new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#13467 RTTI issue with non-polymorphic types in debug mode new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#13537 serializable unordered_map has incorrect template signature new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#13555 Crash when statically linked to the dynamic library when use dlopen. new Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#13563 Error deserializing empty forward_list new Patches To Be Determined serialization

Status: reopened (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Type Milestone Component
#3650 Text Serialization crashes when istream close unexpectedly reopened Feature Requests Boost 1.42.0 serialization
#4660 Error read binary archive, created by old boost version reopened Bugs Boost 1.45.0 serialization
#5192 Serialization of Boost.Filesystem path reopened Feature Requests To Be Determined serialization
#5341 Patch to improve shared library behavior with serialization reopened Patches To Be Determined serialization
#9043 Boost serialization version does not work on Windows reopened Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#9177 Improved serialization of floating point values reopened Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#9810 boost serialization: deserialization from boost txt archive fails on -nan for double reopened Feature Requests To Be Determined serialization
#9843 binary serializer wrong behaviour treating enums reopened Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#10240 Start tags in XML files are not checked reopened Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#11204 undefined behavior sanitizer complains about runtime_error thrown in serialization/singleton.hpp before main() reopened Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#11520 pointer_iserializer requires operator delete(void*, size_t) for classes that have a specific operator new reopened Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#11529 regression: boost::archive::archive_exception exception during serialization non latin1 strings to xml reopened Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#11981 boost::archive::xml_woarchive with locale dosen't work reopened Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#12141 XML serialization broken reopened Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#12144 Clang 3.9 trunk DONT_USE_HAS_NEW_OPERATOR warning reopened Bugs To Be Determined serialization
#12516 Missing boost::serialization::array_wrapper in built serialization binary reopened Bugs To Be Determined serialization
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