{39} Oldest modified active ticket by component (113 matches)

Reports the date of the oldest modified not closed ticket by component

Results (101 - 113 of 113)

1 2
Component Active_tickets Modified Created
process 20 Jun 20, 2017 Apr 26, 2017
sort 3 Jul 17, 2017 Feb 8, 2017
context 7 Aug 21, 2017 Aug 21, 2017
predef USE GITHUB 3 Oct 4, 2017 Sep 15, 2014
atomic 2 Oct 19, 2017 Oct 19, 2017
ratio 1 Nov 3, 2017 Sep 4, 2017
coroutine 1 Nov 4, 2017 Dec 22, 2016
minmax 1 Feb 21, 2018 Mar 20, 2016
integer 2 May 2, 2018 May 2, 2018
array 2 May 10, 2018 Dec 17, 2017
winapi 1 Aug 2, 2018 Aug 9, 2016
chrono 1 Sep 11, 2018 May 1, 2018
None 2 Sep 21, 2018 Sep 1, 2016
1 2
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