Boost Geometry Open Tickets (93 matches)

Open tickets in the Boost Geometry library


Show under each result:

Type: Bugs (79 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Type Milestone
#8183 boost::geometry::intersection on two polygons returns incorrect empty intersection geometry assigned Bugs To Be Determined
#8366 "Overlay invalid input exception" (3) geometry assigned Bugs To Be Determined
#8380 sym_difference yields bad result for large numbers geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#8419 boost::geometry::intersection still broken with integer coordinates geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#8701 wrong empty polygon-linestring intersection with overlapping edges geometry assigned Bugs To Be Determined
#9066 Add support for MultiPoint WKB format geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#9081 boost geometry booleans create self-intersecting polygons from non-self-intersecting polygons geometry reopened Bugs Boost 1.56.0
#9244 Respect rings closure of polygon while reading WKB/WKT input geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#9427 svg_mapper bugs geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#9804 boost::geometry::intersection returns input polygon when the result should be empty. geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#9871 remove_spikes does not remove spike geometry reopened Bugs Boost 1.56.0
#9873 Boost.Geometry: boost::geometry::convex_hull makes a convex polygon look concave for certain values geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#9909 boost::geometry::intersection on two polygons returns incorrect result in one case geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#9934 Intersection of convex hulls leads to self intersecting polygon geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#9969 When interior ring of polygon touches exterior geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#10195 Silent Failure for boost::geometry::intersection() geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#10471 Boost.Geometry fails to compile when OS X AssertMacros.h are included geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#10490 boost::geometry::difference produces a "possible loss of data" warning in MSVC geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#10659 svg_mapper output is offset for int-based point type geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#10660 svg_mapper crash geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#10772 boost::geometry::within() does not recognize empty boxes geometry assigned Bugs To Be Determined
#10849 Dereferencing null pointer in Point<>::dimension_checker::apply() geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#10868 Intersecting integer polygons produces incorrect or self-intersecting result geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#10920 Boost error from XlC11. 01 using BOOST 1.53 in union geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#10983 box-box distance doesn't seem to work with spherical coordinate systems geometry assigned Bugs Boost 1.59.0
#11242 Accuray issue with geometry::difference() in version Boost 1.57 (and 1.58) geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#11397 Can't compile RawConverter from mpq_rational to double geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#11421 [geometry] rstar segmentation fault boost version 1.58.0 geometry assigned Bugs To Be Determined
#11470 Invalid results using convex_hull with unsigned integer points coordinates geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#11542 Using geometry buffer with integer coordinate type geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#11576 boost::geometry::intersection wrong results geometry reopened Bugs Boost 1.61.0
#11580 invalid buffer result geometry assigned Bugs To Be Determined
#11675 sym_difference yields bad result for int polygons geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#11677 too long file name geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#11929 haversine method is inaccurate geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#11982 distance between point and linestring on spherical_equatorial ignores radius when using haversine. geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#12125 Another problems performing boolean operations on polygons with shared edges geometry assigned Bugs Boost 1.63.0
#12145 boost::geometry::remove_spikes doesn't remove spike geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#12197 is_valid returns self-intersection error for multipolygons with many decimal geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#12255 Centroid for polygon failed to compile for rational coordinate geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#12294 boost::geometry::union_ empty result geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#12304 Incorrect documentation for boost::geometry::traits::ring_type geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#12305 Requirements for traits::interior_{const,mutable}_type geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#12314 boost::geometry::within for a point in a geographic coordinate system fails geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#12347 linestring and polygon intersection wrong answer geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#12355 False self intersection geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#12379 Yet another problems with boolean operations with shared edges geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#12393 Some geometry headers fail to compile indepedently geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#12439 Problems with 180 and -180 meridian, using bg::cs::geographic<bg::degree> geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#12929 linestring with zero points or a single point is not equal to itself geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#12984 Impossible make coordinate transformation geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#12988 boost::geometry::difference doesn't operate correctly when many holes are overlapping geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13014 buffer returns invalid geometries when used with asymmetric distances on the same side geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13025 Segmentation fault in difference(multipoint, multilinestring) geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13032 qvm/mat.hpp fails to compile when assign/list_of.hpp has been included first geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13039 geometry::difference with multi_linestring and multi_polygon needs geometry.hpp to compile with MinGW/LLVM geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13072 boost::geometry::intersection different results for CCW and CW geometry assigned Bugs To Be Determined
#13078 boost::geometry::intersection between a polygon and a box produces incorrect results geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13096 boost::geometry::intersection results depend on polypoints inputorder geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13098 geometry::touches return wrong result on two polygons geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13177 Possible loss of data warnings geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13179 geometry::covered_by and geometry::within not working for certain values geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13196 buffer produces incorrect corners from linestring with asymmetric distance strategy geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13215 Polygon union give a different result depending of the order geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13353 Distance segment-box wrong result for spherical CS geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13379 covered_by not implemented for (Box, MultiPolygon) geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13444 boost::geometry::buffer returns only partial result (regression over 1.63.0) geometry assigned Bugs To Be Determined
#13494 polygon intersection fails geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13510 Boost::intersection giving wrong results when intersection is calculated between 2 polygons in Boost-1.61, where as Boost-1.55 is giving correct results. geometry new Bugs Boost 1.61.0
#13519 Invalid result for boost::geometry::difference geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13522 Invalid empty result using boost::geometry::difference geometry assigned Bugs To Be Determined
#13553 intersection gives wrong result geometry assigned Bugs Boost 1.68.0
#13556 boost::geometry::within() is not finding a point within a segment geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13566 difference and intersection yield wrong result geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13571 difference results in invalid output geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13593 intersects assertion failure for linestrings in spherical_equatorial coordinates geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13597 VC++ 15 compiler warning C4244: 'argument': conversion from 'const coordinate_type' to 'const int', possible loss of data geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13636 distance calculation can be wrong for rings with collinear segments geometry new Bugs To Be Determined
#13645 boost::geometry::simplify broken in 1.67 geometry new Bugs To Be Determined

Type: Feature Requests (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Type Milestone
#9758 boost::geometry::index::rtree does not compile with CoordinateSystem geographic< geometry new Feature Requests To Be Determined
#11247 More useful rtree API (public apply_visitor, ...) geometry new Feature Requests To Be Determined
#11399 Boost geometry models don't support stateful allocator. geometry new Feature Requests To Be Determined
#12725 boost::geometry::distance compile errors with 3D segment primitives geometry new Feature Requests To Be Determined

Type: Patches (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Status Type Milestone
#12933 Improve Calculation of Cartesian Point Distances geometry new Patches To Be Determined

Type: Support Requests (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Type Milestone
#5766 Uninitialized variable warnings with GCC 4.4.5-6 geometry new Support Requests To Be Determined
#8362 Move ctor or assignment for boost::geometry::model::ring? geometry new Support Requests To Be Determined
#8404 VC++ 2012 compiler warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from '__int64' to 'const double' geometry new Support Requests To Be Determined
#10667 VC++ 2013 compiler warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from 'double' to 'const coordinate_type', possible loss of data geometry new Support Requests To Be Determined
#12663 geometry::equals fails when points differ by small value geometry new Support Requests To Be Determined

Type: Tasks (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Type Milestone
#9339 Switch WKB parser to use Boost.Endian geometry new Tasks To Be Determined
#9344 Document and test non-OGC behaviour of WKT and WKB support geometry new Tasks To Be Determined
#9345 Add support for M component to WKT and WKB I/O geometry new Tasks To Be Determined
#9353 Complete stream-based interface for WKT/WKB geometry I/O geometry new Tasks To Be Determined
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