{4} Assigned, Active Tickets by Owner (203 matches)

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Results (101 - 200 of 203)

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Marshall Clow (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Created
#9577 trim_copy doesn't support string_ref algorithm To Be Determined Feature Requests Jan 15, 2014

mkaravel (1 match)

#10983 box-box distance doesn't seem to work with spherical coordinate systems geometry Boost 1.59.0 Bugs Jan 29, 2015

Andreas Pokorny (1 match)

#1201 Regexify the syntax highlighter quickbook To Be Determined Feature Requests Aug 22, 2007

Neil Groves (16 matches)

#7630 Range adaptors do not play nicely with range-based for loops range To Be Determined Bugs Nov 2, 2012
#10142 Range lib type_erased.cpp needs /bigobj option for mcvc and intel-win range To Be Determined Bugs Jun 23, 2014
#10332 »indexed« range adaptor's source-breaking change not mentioned in release notes range To Be Determined Bugs Aug 9, 2014
#10336 compilation error in iterator_range and unordered_map range To Be Determined Bugs Aug 10, 2014
#10360 Since 1.56, any_range use static cast of reference instead of implicit conversion range To Be Determined Bugs Aug 15, 2014
#10397 compilation error with mfc-iteratior-support: ambiguous symbol range To Be Determined Bugs Aug 25, 2014
#10430 joined_range generates invalid range with recent gcc versions with optimization enabled range To Be Determined Bugs Aug 30, 2014
#10483 boost::is_sorted docs incorrectly describe predicate range Boost 1.58.0 Bugs Sep 9, 2014
#10493 Since 1.56, any_range with non-reference references can cause UB range Boost 1.64.0 Bugs Sep 11, 2014
#10515 Range: doc: incorrect return type range Boost 1.58.0 Bugs Sep 18, 2014
#10865 boost::iterators::transform_iterator<LambdaType> is not default constructible on Clang range Boost 1.58.0 Bugs Dec 11, 2014
#10988 Range filtered adapter incorrectly requires a ForwardRange range To Be Determined Bugs Feb 1, 2015
#10989 strided breaks on impure traversal tags range Boost 1.58.0 Bugs Feb 2, 2015
#7006 Restricted pointers support. range To Be Determined Feature Requests Jun 21, 2012
#7742 tie like functionality for ranges range To Be Determined Feature Requests Nov 27, 2012
#12158 boost::size() and friends should use an ADL barrier like boost::begin range To Be Determined Feature Requests Apr 26, 2016

Thorsten Ottosen (1 match)

#3483 non-null requirement in ptr_vector::transfer ptr_container Feature Requests Sep 23, 2009

niels_dekker (1 match)

#2836 Request boost::optional<T>::optional_assign_to, optional_move_to, optional_swap optional Boost 1.39.0 Feature Requests Mar 7, 2009

Noel Belcourt (1 match)

#6954 property map 'put' should support move semantics property_map Boost 1.56.0 Bugs May 30, 2012

Peter Dimov (1 match)

#12033 Boostdep misses some dependent components Building Boost To Be Determined Feature Requests Feb 29, 2016

Robert Ramey (8 matches)

#1836 bug in serializing wide character strings serialization To Be Determined Bugs Apr 17, 2008
#2326 Library does not directly support serializing data of type "foo**" serialization Boost 1.37.0 Bugs Sep 15, 2008
#5629 base64 encode/decode for std::istreambuf_iterator/std::ostreambuf_iterator serialization To Be Determined Bugs Jun 22, 2011
#5876 Serialization - tracking of non-versioned classes serialization To Be Determined Bugs Sep 8, 2011
#6515 Serilaization of std::vector<bool> is broken for optimizing archives serialization To Be Determined Bugs Feb 2, 2012
#12741 Linker error in cross compiling with x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ serialization To Be Determined Bugs Jan 10, 2017
#12837 Binary serialization: crash that may allow jump to attacker-controlled address serialization To Be Determined Bugs Feb 14, 2017
#12913 Undefined behaviour in serialization library serialization To Be Determined Bugs Mar 19, 2017

Raffi Enficiaud (3 matches)

#13007 When BOOST_BIND_NO_PLACEHOLDERS is defined, framework.ipp seems to be missing an #include test Boost 1.65.0 Bugs May 3, 2017
#12240 Documentation for data-driven testing should explictly mention std::tuple test To Be Determined Feature Requests May 31, 2016
#12902 boost test labels test Boost 1.68.0 Support Requests Mar 13, 2017

rsd (1 match)

#8498 cray.jam doesn't build .so files Building Boost To Be Determined Bugs Apr 26, 2013

Steven Watanabe (1 match)

#9704 b2: Compiler flavour has no flexibility for cross-compiling projects. build To Be Determined Bugs Feb 24, 2014

Kohei Takahashi (2 matches)

#6026 phoenix block statement tries to copy objects instead of references phoenix To Be Determined Bugs Oct 14, 2011
#6911 [Phoenix V3] Add tr1_result_of specialization phoenix Boost 1.67.0 Bugs May 17, 2012

Thomas Heller (1 match)

#5558 Phoenix bind doesn't support bind<type> construct phoenix To Be Determined Bugs May 23, 2011

troy d. straszheim (2 matches)

#3450 [fix in git] Bug into boost::python::stl_input_iterator python USE GITHUB Boost 1.41.0 Bugs Sep 15, 2009
#3673 boost python and weak_ptr from a shared_ptr argument python USE GITHUB Boost 1.43.0 Feature Requests Nov 26, 2009

Matthias Troyer (2 matches)

#2838 MPI Python bindings not installed correctly mpi Boost 1.46.0 Bugs Mar 9, 2009
#4657 Boost.MPI Compile failure with Python 3 mpi To Be Determined Bugs Sep 18, 2010

Jonathan Turkanis (1 match)

#2557 iostreams filtering_stream w/ gzip infinite loop when writing to a full drive iostreams Boost 1.38.0 Bugs Dec 1, 2008

viboes (53 matches)

#7319 Take care of c++std-lib-32966 issue thread To Be Determined Bugs Sep 2, 2012
#7912 boost:thread documentation for 1.50 does not mention BOOST_THREAD_WAIT_BUG thread To Be Determined Bugs Jan 21, 2013
#8600 wait_for_any hangs, if called with multiple copies of shared_future referencing same task thread To Be Determined Bugs May 21, 2013
#11091 notify_all_at_thread_exit - ThreadSanitizer: data race thread To Be Determined Bugs Mar 9, 2015
#11499 windows - exception lock_error while intensive locking/unlocking of shared_mutex on many threads thread To Be Determined Bugs Jul 25, 2015
#11550 Solaris - boost::call_once issues thread To Be Determined Bugs Aug 18, 2015
#12104 windows - Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 RC gives out warning C4191 in thread_primitive.hpp thread To Be Determined Bugs Mar 30, 2016
#12773 WINDOWS- Boost thread 1.63.0 strict aliasing warnings thread To Be Determined Bugs Jan 19, 2017
#12795 thread library - thread_specific_ptr documentation gives obsolete recomendation thread To Be Determined Bugs Jan 27, 2017
#5947 Use CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID on platform providing them chrono To Be Determined Feature Requests Sep 27, 2011
#7333 Provide User-defined Literals for chrono durations on compilers supporting them chrono To Be Determined Feature Requests Sep 6, 2012
#7586 Add a testable_mutex thread Feature Requests Oct 28, 2012
#7589 Add polymorphic lockables thread Feature Requests Oct 28, 2012
#7595 Implement interruptible threads on top of non-interruptible threads thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Oct 28, 2012
#7629 Implement the algorithm deadlock detection "lockdep" thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Nov 2, 2012
#8094 hierarchical_mutex for lock hierarchies (to avoid deadlocks) thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Feb 17, 2013
#8273 Add externally locked streams thread Feature Requests Mar 11, 2013
#8514 Async: Add a thread_pool executor with work stealing. thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Apr 28, 2013
#8517 Async: Add a variadic shared_future::then thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Apr 28, 2013
#9588 Add a parallel_invoke algorithm. thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Jan 18, 2014
#9589 Add a parallel_sort algorithm. thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Jan 18, 2014
#9590 Add a parallel_reduce algorithm. thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Jan 18, 2014
#9591 Add a parallel_for algorithm. thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Jan 18, 2014
#9592 Add a parallel_for_each algorithm thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Jan 18, 2014
#9599 Add a parallel_transform algorithm thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Jan 22, 2014
#10299 Add queue iterators thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Aug 2, 2014
#10301 Add shared_queue_front and shared_queue_back thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Aug 2, 2014
#10316 Thread: add subscription operator if the value provide it. thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Aug 6, 2014
#10424 future/shared_future::then() in case of continuation return an invalid future thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Aug 30, 2014
#10550 Implicit unwrapping from then() calls thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Sep 27, 2014
#10551 Make futures returned by then()/when_all/when_any don't block. thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Sep 27, 2014
#10610 Add unwrap shared_future constructor thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Oct 5, 2014
#10878 boost::thread::attributes -> no non-variadic-support thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Dec 16, 2014
#10914 Add a future::notify_when_ready function thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Jan 7, 2015
#10915 Change wait_for_any to work on models of Future. thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Jan 7, 2015
#10916 Change wait_for_all to work on models of Future. thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Jan 7, 2015
#10966 packaged_task::reset should not reuse the shared state to conform to C++11 thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Jan 24, 2015
#11041 Add no_unit to duration_style. chrono To Be Determined Feature Requests Feb 17, 2015
#11052 Make all executors copyable pointing to a shared context thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Feb 20, 2015
#11264 Add variadic lock_guard of Lockables thread To Be Determined Feature Requests May 3, 2015
#11552 Warning from chrono that could helpfully be suppressed ratio Boost 1.60.0 Feature Requests Aug 18, 2015
#11717 Associate an Executor used to launch the continuation to a promise/packaged_task constructor. thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Oct 10, 2015
#11773 Extract close/closed to a more specific shutdonw-executor interface. thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Oct 29, 2015
#11774 Extract try_executing_one, reschedule_until to a more specific reentrant executor interface. thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Oct 29, 2015
#12416 Windows: shared_mutex::state_data exceptions thrown in synthetic tests thread To Be Determined Feature Requests Aug 28, 2016
#11619 Chrono V2 IO - format tags 'unsupported'? chrono To Be Determined Support Requests Sep 4, 2015
#11633 chrono IO V1 may throw bad_cast chrono To Be Determined Support Requests Sep 9, 2015
#11639 document std's vs boost's chrono::steady_clock system-wideness discrepancy chrono To Be Determined Support Requests Sep 10, 2015
#13408 Boost Library Possible memory Leak thread To Be Determined Support Requests Jan 19, 2018
#13599 condition_variable::timed_wait never returns thread To Be Determined Support Requests Jun 14, 2018
#11252 make make_ready_future more efficient thread To Be Determined Tasks Apr 29, 2015
#11798 Implementation of boost::shared_mutex on POSIX is suboptimal thread To Be Determined Tasks Nov 16, 2015
#12433 Make use of make_shared whenever possible in future.hpp thread To Be Determined Tasks Sep 3, 2016

Vladimir Prus (3 matches)

#2438 gcc.jam sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH which breaks FreeBSD build build Boost 1.42.0 Bugs Oct 27, 2008
#2732 boost bjam install respects umask build Boost 1.38.0 Bugs Feb 5, 2009
#3550 specify toolset to bootstrap.bat Building Boost Boost 1.46.0 Bugs Oct 23, 2009
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