Boost.Thread open tickets (54 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Type Milestone Component
#2430 shared_mutex for win32 doesn't have timed_lock_upgrade reopened Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#3926 thread_specific_ptr + dlopen library causes a SIGSEGV. reopened Bugs thread
#4833 MinGW/test_tss_lib: Support of automatic tss cleanup for native threading API not available new Bugs To Be Determined thread
#7319 Take care of c++std-lib-32966 issue assigned Bugs To Be Determined thread
#7586 Add a testable_mutex assigned Feature Requests thread
#7589 Add polymorphic lockables assigned Feature Requests thread
#7595 Implement interruptible threads on top of non-interruptible threads assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#7629 Implement the algorithm deadlock detection "lockdep" assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#7912 boost:thread documentation for 1.50 does not mention BOOST_THREAD_WAIT_BUG assigned Bugs To Be Determined thread
#8094 hierarchical_mutex for lock hierarchies (to avoid deadlocks) assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#8273 Add externally locked streams assigned Feature Requests thread
#8514 Async: Add a thread_pool executor with work stealing. assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#8517 Async: Add a variadic shared_future::then assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#8600 wait_for_any hangs, if called with multiple copies of shared_future referencing same task assigned Bugs To Be Determined thread
#9118 Seg fault on thread join when llvm and libc++ are used reopened Bugs To Be Determined thread
#9307 future::fallback_to assert with ERRORRRRR boost: mutex lock failed in pthread_mutex_lock: Invalid argument reopened Bugs Boost 1.57.0 thread
#9588 Add a parallel_invoke algorithm. assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#9589 Add a parallel_sort algorithm. assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#9590 Add a parallel_reduce algorithm. assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#9591 Add a parallel_for algorithm. assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#9592 Add a parallel_for_each algorithm assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#9599 Add a parallel_transform algorithm assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#10299 Add queue iterators assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#10301 Add shared_queue_front and shared_queue_back assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#10316 Thread: add subscription operator if the value provide it. assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#10424 future/shared_future::then() in case of continuation return an invalid future assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#10550 Implicit unwrapping from then() calls assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#10551 Make futures returned by then()/when_all/when_any don't block. assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#10610 Add unwrap shared_future constructor assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#10878 boost::thread::attributes -> no non-variadic-support assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#10914 Add a future::notify_when_ready function assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#10915 Change wait_for_any to work on models of Future. assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#10916 Change wait_for_all to work on models of Future. assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#10966 packaged_task::reset should not reuse the shared state to conform to C++11 assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#10967 Timed wait points inconsistently convert relative to absolute waits new Tasks To Be Determined thread
#11052 Make all executors copyable pointing to a shared context assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#11091 notify_all_at_thread_exit - ThreadSanitizer: data race assigned Bugs To Be Determined thread
#11252 make make_ready_future more efficient assigned Tasks To Be Determined thread
#11264 Add variadic lock_guard of Lockables assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#11499 windows - exception lock_error while intensive locking/unlocking of shared_mutex on many threads assigned Bugs To Be Determined thread
#11550 Solaris - boost::call_once issues assigned Bugs To Be Determined thread
#11717 Associate an Executor used to launch the continuation to a promise/packaged_task constructor. assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#11773 Extract close/closed to a more specific shutdonw-executor interface. assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#11774 Extract try_executing_one, reschedule_until to a more specific reentrant executor interface. assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#11798 Implementation of boost::shared_mutex on POSIX is suboptimal assigned Tasks To Be Determined thread
#11861 windows - Using boost thread crash winrt store app on start on Windows 10 Phone devices new Bugs To Be Determined thread
#12104 windows - Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 RC gives out warning C4191 in thread_primitive.hpp assigned Bugs To Be Determined thread
#12416 Windows: shared_mutex::state_data exceptions thrown in synthetic tests assigned Feature Requests To Be Determined thread
#12433 Make use of make_shared whenever possible in future.hpp assigned Tasks To Be Determined thread
#12773 WINDOWS- Boost thread 1.63.0 strict aliasing warnings assigned Bugs To Be Determined thread
#12795 thread library - thread_specific_ptr documentation gives obsolete recomendation assigned Bugs To Be Determined thread
#13008 [windows][Visual Studio compiler] Building Boost Thread with /GL causes leak in boost::thread_specific_ptr new Bugs To Be Determined thread
#13408 Boost Library Possible memory Leak assigned Support Requests To Be Determined thread
#13599 condition_variable::timed_wait never returns assigned Support Requests To Be Determined thread
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