{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (12960 matches)

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Results (3101 - 3200 of 12960)

To Be Determined (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#8990 are_same: variadic enhancement of is_same type_traits closed obsolete Boost Development Trunk Feature Requests John Maddock Aug 2, 2018
#7251 is_convertible works incorrectly for rvalue source types type_traits closed obsolete Boost Development Trunk Patches John Maddock Aug 2, 2018
#13388 boost.test doesn't recognize VS 2017 test closed worksforme Boost 1.65.0 Bugs Gennadiy Rozental Aug 1, 2018
#13249 cygwin build on appveyor fails attempting to use linux calls? test closed fixed Boost Development Trunk Bugs Gennadiy Rozental Aug 1, 2018
#13024 Using function as data source in BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE initiate the conflict with static variables initialization test closed obsolete Boost 1.64.0 Feature Requests Gennadiy Rozental Aug 1, 2018
#13472 Bad feature detection for nvcc and clang as a host compiler. config closed obsolete Boost 1.58.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#13438 Boost Config check for std::optional config closed obsolete Boost 1.66.0 Feature Requests John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#13422 Handle Intel compiler in most config.hpp headers config closed invalid Boost 1.64.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#13396 Added macro BOOST_NO_CXX11_DEFAULTED_MOVES config closed duplicate Boost 1.66.0 Feature Requests John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#13293 git submodule update --depth 1: reference is not a tree config closed wontfix Boost 1.65.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#13260 gcc 4.9.4 rejected by compiler config, if BOOST_ASSERT_CONFIG is defined config closed fixed Boost 1.65.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#13211 BOOST_MAY_ALIAS is not always defined and is not documented config closed invalid Boost 1.65.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#13176 "Unknown compiler version - please [...]" text content should be improved config closed obsolete Boost 1.64.0 Feature Requests John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#13152 nvcc Error: Boost 1.64.0 & CUDA 9.0 config closed fixed Boost 1.64.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#13045 "uintptr_t is not defined" on Linux when using the Oracle's compiler config closed duplicate Boost 1.63.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#13026 Boost is not correctly configured on modern Mac with Intel C++ Compiler config closed obsolete Boost 1.64.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#12977 BOOST_NO_CXX11_HDR_MUTEX always defined when Clang is used config closed invalid Boost 1.63.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#12883 Why are relative #include's not used in config config closed wontfix Boost 1.63.0 Feature Requests John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#11972 thousands multi-thread tests fail after -mt, _REENTRANT elimination in Oracle Studio 12.5 C++ config closed worksforme Boost 1.60.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#11479 BOOST_DEFAULTED_FUNCTION does not work on Visual Studio 2013 config closed duplicate Boost 1.58.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#10215 Defaulted functions not fully supported in VC 2013 config closed fixed Boost Development Trunk Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#9124 Boost.Thread using of _beginthreadex prohibits its use on Windows Store application config closed obsolete Boost Development Trunk Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#8638 Support of 64-bit address model in boost libraries names config closed obsolete Boost Development Trunk Patches John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#7823 Support for intptr_t/uintptr_t config closed obsolete Boost 1.52.0 Feature Requests John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#7473 clang defines __GNUC__ and confuses the libstdcpp3.hpp configuration header config closed obsolete Boost 1.56.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#5047 cstdint.hpp is lacking SIZE_MAX config closed fixed Boost 1.46.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#2114 Patch for export symbols from shared library config closed obsolete Boost Development Trunk Patches John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#13646 Boost silently disables some compiler warnings. type_traits closed fixed Boost 1.67.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#13620 Issue with computing quantiles for skew-normal math closed obsolete Boost 1.66.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#13542 error in documentation math closed obsolete Boost 1.66.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#13451 is_close_to function does not exist math closed fixed Boost 1.66.0 Bugs Paul A. Bristow Jul 31, 2018
#13394 math_fwd.hpp contains declarations of undefined quaternion template specializations math closed fixed Boost 1.66.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#13344 Noncentral chi-squared distribution with 0 degrees of freedom math closed obsolete Boost 1.65.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#13343 erf(NaN) and erfc(NaN) do not return NaN math closed obsolete Boost 1.65.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#13316 Non UTF-8 files in Math library math closed obsolete Boost 1.65.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#13254 extreme value distribution's mean/std fail for location=0 math closed obsolete Boost 1.66.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#13129 bracket_and_solve_root, toms748_solve; underflow when max_iter == 0 math closed obsolete Boost 1.64.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#12964 Boost polynomial multiplication math closed fixed Boost 1.63.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#12961 boost::math::cyl_bessel_i crashes program. math closed invalid Boost 1.63.0 Bugs John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#12066 Accuracy of modified Bessel functions math closed fixed Boost 1.61.0 Library Submissions John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#11458 Performance improvement in boost/math.quaternion.hpp math closed obsolete Boost 1.58.0 Patches John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#11395 Beta Binonial Distriction/ log beta / boost::math::beta not usable when the result would be very small math closed obsolete Boost 1.57.0 Feature Requests John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#11027 Add Lambert W function math closed obsolete Boost 1.57.0 Feature Requests John Maddock Jul 31, 2018
#13617 Eternal loop when assigning infinity or NaN None closed obsolete Boost 1.67.0 Bugs Jul 31, 2018
#13458 'cl' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Failed to build Boost.Jam build engine. Please consult bjam.log for furter diagnostics. None closed worksforme Boost 1.41.0 Bugs Jul 23, 2018
#11855 generic gives problems in C++/CLI filesystem closed fixed Boost 1.61.0 Library Submissions Beman Dawes Jul 19, 2018
#12924 [ZIP.MP3] Ed Sheeran Divide Album., Download.; leaked..22.03,2017 None closed invalid Boost 1.63.0 Bugs Jul 17, 2018
#6133 MacOSX compilation problem and how to fix it! fusion closed fixed Boost 1.48.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman Jul 5, 2018
#12898 Interprocess mutex: race condition crash (when using compiler optimization) interprocess closed fixed Boost 1.63.0 Bugs Ion Gaztañaga Jun 26, 2018
#13395 Boost Test does not use BOOST_TEST_COLOR_OUTPUT test closed worksforme Boost 1.63.0 Bugs Gennadiy Rozental Jun 26, 2018
#12571 Gil documentation links broken gil USE GITHUB closed fixed Boost 1.62.0 Bugs Stefan Seefeld Jun 25, 2018
#13033 Link for Generic Image Library video tutorial dead gil USE GITHUB closed fixed Boost 1.63.0 Bugs Stefan Seefeld Jun 25, 2018
#11819 Status of toolbox extension? gil USE GITHUB closed fixed Boost Development Trunk Bugs Stefan Seefeld Jun 25, 2018
#9732 Syntax Warning gil USE GITHUB closed fixed Boost Release Branch Bugs Stefan Seefeld Jun 25, 2018
#8429 [gil] Reading TGA images with origin in upper left-hand corner. gil USE GITHUB closed fixed Boost Development Trunk Feature Requests Stefan Seefeld Jun 25, 2018
#6413 Use attribute names with underscores for GCC gil USE GITHUB closed fixed Boost 1.48.0 Bugs Stefan Seefeld Jun 25, 2018
#12842 Merge GIL new IO and Toolbox from develop to master? gil USE GITHUB closed fixed Boost Development Trunk Feature Requests Stefan Seefeld Jun 25, 2018
#10565 Boost test seg faults when -mmacosx-version-min=10.6 on OS X 10.9 system test closed obsolete Boost 1.51.0 Bugs Gennadiy Rozental Jun 23, 2018
#13611 SEGFAULT when logging std::to_string(NAN) log closed invalid Boost 1.67.0 Bugs Andrey Semashev Jun 21, 2018
#13606 sinc_pi incorrect taylor_0_bound math closed fixed Boost 1.63.0 Bugs John Maddock Jun 19, 2018
#10528 Remove unused typedef domain_type ICL closed fixed Boost 1.56.0 Tasks Joachim Faulhaber Jun 19, 2018
#7871 [ICL][c++11] split_interval_map: move-assignment removes implicit copy-assignment ICL closed fixed Boost 1.52.0 Feature Requests Joachim Faulhaber Jun 19, 2018
#12404 undefined behaviour in interval container library ICL closed fixed Boost 1.61.0 Bugs Joachim Faulhaber Jun 19, 2018
#11344 Missing #include in boost/icl/interval_base_map.hpp ICL closed fixed Boost Development Trunk Bugs Joachim Faulhaber Jun 19, 2018
#9846 missing #include ICL closed fixed Boost 1.55.0 Bugs Joachim Faulhaber Jun 19, 2018
#13603 sinc_pi can be more precise with Horner's method math closed fixed Boost 1.63.0 Bugs John Maddock Jun 17, 2018
#13608 multiprecision/mpfi typo multiprecision closed fixed Boost 1.66.0 Bugs John Maddock Jun 17, 2018
#9839 Improve flat_containers performance during insertion phases container closed fixed Boost Development Trunk Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga Jun 17, 2018
#13600 Conflicting types for 'InitializeCriticalSection' signals2 closed fixed Boost 1.66.0 Bugs Frank Mori Hess Jun 15, 2018
#12753 difference algorithm returning invalid geometry geometry closed duplicate Boost 1.63.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels Jun 14, 2018
#13376 VC++ 14 compiler warning C4127: conditional expression is constant geometry closed fixed Boost 1.66.0 Bugs Barend Gehrels Jun 13, 2018
#6049 Native handle access interprocess closed wontfix Boost 1.47.0 Feature Requests Ion Gaztañaga Jun 1, 2018
#13577 rational_adaptor does not compile with fixed width cpp_int multiprecision closed fixed Boost 1.67.0 Bugs John Maddock May 29, 2018
#9445 context asm files fail to build for x32 ABIs context closed fixed Boost 1.55.0 Bugs olli May 29, 2018
#13351 Unable to compile a project using recursive variant under MSVC 2017 15.5 with compiler switch /std:c++17 and /std:c++latest variant closed fixed Boost 1.67.0 Bugs ebf May 24, 2018
#13503 Boost.Multiprecision generates incorrect code multiprecision closed fixed Boost 1.64.0 Bugs John Maddock May 22, 2018
#11323 is_virtual_base_of fails to build when virtual bases and their ancestors define identical virtual functions type_traits closed fixed Boost 1.57.0 Bugs John Maddock May 12, 2018
#13229 Infinite loop when printing certain values of type boost::multiprecision::mpfr_float. multiprecision closed fixed Boost 1.63.0 Bugs John Maddock May 11, 2018
#13178 Compilation error on mac with 1.65.0 None closed obsolete Boost 1.65.0 Bugs Joel de Guzman May 10, 2018
#13532 Testing your trac system None closed wontfix Boost 1.63.0 Bugs May 10, 2018
#13529 Symbols file for stacktrace is not loaded after deployment in Windows None closed obsolete Boost 1.66.0 Bugs May 10, 2018
#13527 Boost 1.67.0 - Cannot link to boost_pythonPY_MAJOR_VERSIONPY_MINOR_VERSION... None closed obsolete Boost 1.67.0 Bugs May 10, 2018
#13523 IndexError: pop from empty list None closed worksforme Boost 1.63.0 Bugs May 10, 2018
#13521 Unable to build boot 1.66/1.67 on a windows 10 x64 box None closed wontfix Boost 1.63.0 Bugs May 10, 2018
#13513 Nvidia cuda compiler 9 does not work with boost::mp11 None closed obsolete Boost 1.66.0 Bugs May 10, 2018
#13483 Beast: closing websocket stream throws "short read" exception None closed obsolete Boost Development Trunk Bugs May 10, 2018
#13373 Warning in Boost.Log or Boost.DateTime with VS2017 log closed fixed Boost 1.65.0 Bugs Andrey Semashev May 10, 2018
#13465 OpenCL compute library - OpenGL/OpenCL check for extension compared to wrong string None closed obsolete Boost 1.66.0 Bugs May 10, 2018
#13365 IndexError: pop from empty list None closed worksforme Boost 1.63.0 Bugs May 10, 2018
#13362 Update config for VS2017 (15.5.2) None closed fixed Boost 1.66.0 Bugs May 10, 2018
#13304 Failed to build Boost.Build engine None closed duplicate Boost 1.65.0 Bugs May 10, 2018
#13303 Failed to build Boost.Build engine None closed duplicate Boost 1.65.0 Bugs May 10, 2018
#13302 Failed to build Boost.Build engine None closed invalid Boost 1.65.0 Bugs May 10, 2018
#13300 boost stacktrace broken on solaris swap closed obsolete Boost 1.65.0 Bugs joseph.gauterin May 10, 2018
#13284 error None closed invalid Boost 1.63.0 Support Requests May 10, 2018
#13262 boost.python purevirtual function in multithreading None closed obsolete Boost 1.64.0 Bugs May 10, 2018
#13244 Is there any plans to review and add BOOST::DI into main library None closed invalid Boost 1.63.0 Library Submissions May 10, 2018
#13234 Boost bug None closed invalid Boost 1.63.0 Bugs May 10, 2018
#13219 Boost::Python::Numpy library is missing in Windows build python USE GITHUB closed obsolete Boost 1.65.0 Bugs Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve May 10, 2018
#12886 Loading shared libraries with appended decorations hides actual errors in case of failure None closed obsolete Boost 1.63.0 Bugs May 10, 2018
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.