{8} Active Tickets, Mine first (3355 matches)

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Active Tickets (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Owner Status Created
#8871 [numeric] GCC 4.8+ warns about unused local typedef numeric Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Douglas Gregor new Jul 22, 2013
#8884 boost asio in posix_event: lock release before condition signaled asio Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Jul 23, 2013
#8885 boost asio epoll reactor method "set_ready_events" not protected by lock asio Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Jul 23, 2013
#8886 boost::posix_time::time_from_string has no parameter for ymd order date_time Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs az_sw_dude new Jul 23, 2013
#8888 [python] GCC 4.8+ warns about unused local typedef python USE GITHUB Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve new Jul 23, 2013
#8889 Boost.Build MSVC fix building PDBs build Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Jul 23, 2013
#8913 boost/asio/detail/posix_static_mutex.hpp: Ignores all failures from pthread_* functions asio Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Jul 25, 2013
#8918 boost/asio/detail/impl/win_iocp_io_service.ipp: Ignores failures from WaitForSingleObject asio Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Jul 25, 2013
#8919 boost/asio/detail/impl/win_static_mutex.ipp: Ignores failures from WaitForSingleObject asio Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Jul 25, 2013
#8920 boost/asio/detail/impl/win_thread.ipp: Ignores failures from WaitForSingleObject and WaitForMultipleObjects asio Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Jul 25, 2013
#8921 boost/asio/detail/win_event.hpp: Ignores failures from WaitForSingleObject asio Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Jul 25, 2013
#8922 boost/asio/detail/wince_thread.hpp: Ignores failures from WaitForSingleObject asio Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Jul 25, 2013
#8923 boost/detail/lightweight_thread.hpp: Ignores failures from WaitForSingleObject smart_ptr Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Peter Dimov new Jul 25, 2013
#8926 Windows error messages used for errno codes system Boost 1.53.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Jul 25, 2013
#8934 b2 : failed to write output file build Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Jul 28, 2013
#8936 month_iterator snaps-to-end when starting on the last day of a 30 day month date_time Boost 1.47.0 To Be Determined Bugs az_sw_dude new Jul 29, 2013
#8937 boost::asio::ip::tcp 5000ms stall asio Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Jul 29, 2013
#8939 boot filesystem error when copy-overwrite-the file to itself filesystem Boost 1.53.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Jul 30, 2013
#8946 filesystem::directory_iterator returns incorrect listing filesystem Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Jul 31, 2013
#8948 iostreams::filtering_stream<outout>::sync does not exist iostreams Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jonathan Turkanis new Jul 31, 2013
#8952 numeric::interval::nth_root generates empty interval interval Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Boris Gubenko new Aug 1, 2013
#8962 adjacency_list doesn't work with hash_setS graph Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jeremiah Willcock new Aug 4, 2013
#8971 -Wunused-local-typedefs warnings with GCC 4.8.1 multi_array Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Bugs Ronald Garcia new Aug 6, 2013
#8975 Throw exception on allocation failure in cpp_regex_traits::value xpressive Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Bugs Eric Niebler new Aug 8, 2013
#8978 Segfault crash in boost.python with keyword arguments and overloads. python USE GITHUB Boost 1.51.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve new Aug 8, 2013
#8982 More -Wunused-local-typedef warnings when building Boost 1.54.0 with gcc 4.8.1 xpressive Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Eric Niebler new Aug 8, 2013
#8985 More -Wunused-local-typedef warnings when building Boost 1.54.0 with gcc 4.8.1 python USE GITHUB Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve new Aug 8, 2013
#9002 boots::date_time::from_iso_string() accepts invalid time mark date_time Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs az_sw_dude new Aug 16, 2013
#9004 Minor corrections for boost.program_options documentation program_options Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Aug 16, 2013
#9006 read_xml segfaults if run from boost::asio::spawn property_tree Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Sebastian Redl new Aug 16, 2013
#9017 Support for std::numeric_traits rational Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Daryle Walker new Aug 20, 2013
#9018 No cross-version constructor rational Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Daryle Walker new Aug 20, 2013
#9021 Cannot export boost::iostreams::source implementation on MSVC iostreams Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jonathan Turkanis new Aug 20, 2013
#9032 Wrong Boost.Iterator permutation_iterator::base() description iterator Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Bugs jeffrey.hellrung new Aug 22, 2013
#9033 Resource Leak in boost::filesystem in operation.cpp at resize_file_api() (Windows) filesystem Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Aug 22, 2013
#9034 Timezone (%Q) is ignored in time_input_facet / local_time_input_facet date_time Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs az_sw_dude new Aug 22, 2013
#9038 [pool] Test cases need to link with boost_system DSO on Linux pool Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Chris Newbold new Aug 22, 2013
#9039 Boost.Bimap documentation misprint bimap Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Matias Capeletto new Aug 23, 2013
#9043 Boost serialization version does not work on Windows serialization Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Robert Ramey reopened Aug 24, 2013
#9044 Enable constexpr for applicable operators. operators Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Daniel Frey new Aug 25, 2013
#9055 spin_condition.notify()hangs if communication peer crashes interprocess Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ion Gaztañaga new Aug 27, 2013
#9056 empty_ptree missing from boost property_tree Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Sebastian Redl new Aug 28, 2013
#9059 Boost.Asio detail/impl/win_static_mutex leaks a CRITICAL_SECTION asio Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff reopened Aug 28, 2013
#9066 Add support for MultiPoint WKB format geometry Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Bugs Mateusz Loskot new Aug 29, 2013
#9067 rational::assign doesn't even have the basic guarantee rational Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Daryle Walker new Aug 30, 2013
#9075 Devision by zero in boost/date_time/int_adapter.hpp date_time Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs az_sw_dude new Sep 2, 2013
#9084 boost::asio::ip::address::is_loopback() on mapped ip4 asio Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Sep 6, 2013
#9088 I/O Exception state & status savers may cause std::terminate in C++11 io Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Daryle Walker new Sep 7, 2013
#9089 missing locale in strings_from_facet.hpp date_time Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs az_sw_dude new Sep 7, 2013
#9097 directory_iterator crash with intel release builds on windows filesystem Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Sep 10, 2013
#9099 boost::filesystem::stem() reporting wrong value on some entries (seen on Linux) filesystem Boost 1.50.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Sep 10, 2013
#9102 Various Boost header files define variables with internal linkage, which results in unnecessary code bloat system Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Sep 11, 2013
#9105 boost::tokenizer fails if string contains percent signs tokenizer Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs jsiek new Sep 12, 2013
#9112 [tr1] Failures in test_ref_wrapper_tricky.cpp result_of Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Peter Dimov new Sep 13, 2013
#9114 Documentation examples not working spirit Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Joel de Guzman new Sep 14, 2013
#9116 Binary serialization: bitwise copying should also apply to single POD objects (it now only seems to work on arrays/collections) serialization Boost 1.53.0 To Be Determined Bugs Robert Ramey new Sep 14, 2013
#9118 Seg fault on thread join when llvm and libc++ are used thread Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs viboes reopened Sep 15, 2013
#9119 memory errors and eventual segfault when using Log filesystem Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Sep 16, 2013
#9120 system_error_category::message() produces non-english error messages in ANSI encoding system Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Sep 16, 2013
#9121 "Getting Started": Atomic missing from libs requiring to be built Getting Started Guide Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Dave Abrahams new Sep 16, 2013
#9128 Vector deallocation with pool_allocator enters a dead loop pool Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Chris Newbold new Sep 18, 2013
#9131 Memcheck reports invalid read in exit() on boost 1.54 on Ubuntu 12.04 filesystem Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Sep 19, 2013
#9132 mpl and lexical_cast dependency mpl Boost 1.53.0 To Be Determined Bugs Aleksey Gurtovoy new Sep 19, 2013
#9136 Typos in documentation. bimap Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Bugs Matias Capeletto new Sep 19, 2013
#9148 6 Errors mpl Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Aleksey Gurtovoy new Sep 22, 2013
#9164 Dereference null return value in make_shared_object.hpp smart_ptr Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Peter Dimov new Sep 26, 2013
#9173 Can't file a bug report (broken bug reporter) trac / subversion Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Douglas Gregor new Sep 29, 2013
#9176 Intel compiler needs custom archiver build Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Bugs Vladimir Prus new Sep 29, 2013
#9177 Improved serialization of floating point values serialization Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Bugs Robert Ramey reopened Sep 29, 2013
#9186 posix_time and time zones date_time Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs az_sw_dude new Oct 1, 2013
#9188 named_slot_map.cpp fails to build in Solaris Studio 12.3 signals Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Douglas Gregor new Oct 1, 2013
#9190 boost::filesystem::extension(...) throws runtime_error if the locale is unknown. filesystem Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Beman Dawes new Oct 2, 2013
#9197 mpl\aux_\integral_wrapper.hpp(72): warning C4307: '+' : integral constant overflow mpl Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Bugs Aleksey Gurtovoy new Oct 4, 2013
#9198 boost\boost\crc.hpp warning due to implicit bool cast crc Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Daryle Walker new Oct 4, 2013
#9204 const_multi_array_ref with const multi_array Boost 1.53.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ronald Garcia new Oct 7, 2013
#9205 [variant or mpl] compilation error VC2013 mpl Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Bugs Aleksey Gurtovoy new Oct 7, 2013
#9226 On some computer, the Common Appdata is empty in registry, so boost interprocess cannot work. interprocess Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ion Gaztañaga reopened Oct 11, 2013
#9232 Template bloat multiprecision Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs John Maddock new Oct 11, 2013
#9237 Vectorizer friendly code multiprecision Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs John Maddock new Oct 11, 2013
#9239 Implicit type conversion without warning, although Wconversion used units Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Matthias Schabel new Oct 11, 2013
#9244 Respect rings closure of polygon while reading WKB/WKT input geometry Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Bugs Mateusz Loskot new Oct 12, 2013
#9247 locale - build failure with recommended icu configuration locale Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Bugs Artyom Beilis new Oct 13, 2013
#9259 errors in iostreams container_device example iostreams Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Bugs Jonathan Turkanis new Oct 18, 2013
#9260 Phoenix switch_ statements accessing wrong memory and cause segfault phoenix Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Thomas Heller new Oct 18, 2013
#9261 ssl alert are not being sent during handshake failure asio Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Oct 18, 2013
#9262 windows_intermodule_singleton breaks when calling a Debug dll from a Release executable interprocess Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ion Gaztañaga reopened Oct 18, 2013
#9264 boost/date_time/local_time_adjustor.hpp requires more headers date_time Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs az_sw_dude new Oct 18, 2013
#9269 boost.exception unqualified enable_if/disable_if causing name clash with boost.test enable_if/disable_if exception Boost Development Trunk To Be Determined Bugs Emil Dotchevski new Oct 19, 2013
#9270 Hello world example in Boost accumulator reference manual does not compile accumulator Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Eric Niebler new Oct 19, 2013
#9277 Serial Hardware Handshaking in Windows XP SP3 Broken? asio Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs chris_kohlhoff new Oct 20, 2013
#9278 Compiling error in MPL under VC12/VS2013 mpl Boost 1.55.0 To Be Determined Bugs Aleksey Gurtovoy new Oct 21, 2013
#9284 WaitForSingleObject(mutex) must handle WAIT_ABANDONED interprocess Boost 1.58.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ion Gaztañaga reopened Oct 22, 2013
#9290 boost statechart documentation does not mention, that the state machine should be terminated with terminate() statechart Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Andreas Huber new Oct 22, 2013
#9292 event_log example crashes. log Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Andrey Semashev new Oct 23, 2013
#9295 PHOENIX_LIMIT macro clash: property_tree -- log/sink phoenix Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Thomas Heller new Oct 23, 2013
#9297 "boost::iostreams::file_descriptor_sink" doesn't support translation of line endings on Windows iostreams Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Jonathan Turkanis new Oct 24, 2013
#9313 Preserve doxygen syntax highlighting in doxygen2boostbook. Documentation Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Daniel James new Oct 28, 2013
#9315 boost shared_ptr should detect __sync support in clang smart_ptr Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Peter Dimov new Oct 28, 2013
#9321 named mutex permissions are not reset after application crash interprocess Boost 1.50.0 To Be Determined Bugs Ion Gaztañaga new Oct 30, 2013
#9322 spinlock_gcc_arm.hpp fails when building iOS arm64 smart_ptr Boost 1.54.0 To Be Determined Bugs Peter Dimov new Oct 30, 2013
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