id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 10018,boost.log compile SO_UPDATE_CONNECT_CONTEXT: Undeclared identifier,Joseph Southwell ,Andrey Semashev,"ASIO now uses SO_UPDATE_CONNECT_CONTEXT on windows. This is only defined if _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501 Boost.Log uses asio and defaults to defining _WIN32_WINNT to 0x0500 in src/windows_version.hpp The simplest solution is to drop support for Windows 2000 then change that define to 0x0501. (This is what I did in my env to get it to work) {{{ using latest github git clone --recursive modular-boost git submodule foreach --recursive git checkout master git submodule foreach --recursive git pull }}}",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,log,Boost Release Branch,Problem,duplicate,,