id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 10061,boost::log (boost logging): BOOST_LOG_FUNCTION works only in main thread,anonymous,Andrey Semashev,"Consider the following function: {{{ void thread() { BOOST_LOG_FUNCTION(); while(true) { // Create log entry } } }}} If I just call ""thread()"" within main() as a function my log entries created in ""thread()"" look as expected: {{{ [void __cdecl thread(void) (c:\...\maintest.cpp:16)] }}} However if you use ""thread()"" within main() as a real thread: {{{ boost::thread t(thread); }}} the appropriate log-entry containing the scope is empty: {{{ [] }}} Code snippet: {{{ keywords::format = expr::stream << ""["" << expr::format_named_scope(""Scope"", keywords::format = ""%n (%f:%l)"")<< ""] "" }}} I do not understand this, since the appropriate values '''__FUNCTION__''' and '''__FUNCSIG__''' are always available when manually printed. Operating system: Windows 7. I posted the issue without a solution on stackoverflow a few months ago so that I assume it is a bug: ",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,log,Boost 1.54.0,Problem,invalid,,