id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 10111,quantile at p=1 for non-central chi-squared---regression bug?,HS ,John Maddock,"I think this used to work as expected a while ago: {{{ #include #include #include #include int main() { const double _df = 1.2; const double _nc = 2.5; const double _p = 1.0; std::printf( ""\nchi-squared: quantile( p=%g, df=%g ) = %g\n"", _p, _df, boost::math::quantile( boost::math::chi_squared_distribution<>( _df ), _p ) ); std::printf( ""non-central chi-squared: quantile( p=%g, df=%g, nc=%g ) = %g\n\n"", _p, _df, _nc, boost::math::quantile( boost::math::non_central_chi_squared_distribution<>( _df, _nc ), _p ) ); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } }}} When built with ""g++ -o test chisq.cpp"" (after saving the above as ""chisq.cpp"") on a Linux box, this currently returns {{{ chi-squared: quantile( p=1, df=1.2 ) = inf non-central chi-squared: quantile( p=1, df=1.2, nc=2.5 ) = 1.79769e+308 }}} when ran; I expected both to return inf. Thank you,[[br]] HS",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,math,Boost Development Trunk,Regression,fixed,,