id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 10182 Header order dependency for boost/multiprecision/random.hpp pcfreak John Maddock "Using boost/multiprecision/random.hpp requires that it gets included before boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.hpp when using it in combination with that.\\ See example code: {{{ #!cpp #include #include #include #include //#include // fails unless this header is included first #include #include #include // does not work if included here using namespace std; using namespace boost; int main() { typedef multiprecision::number MpzInt; random::random_device rndDevice; MpzInt rndRangeTo(MpzInt(1) << 256); const MpzInt rndRangeFrom(rndRangeTo >> 1); random::uniform_int_distribution rndRange(rndRangeFrom, rndRangeTo); const MpzInt rndValue(rndRange(rndDevice)); cout << rndValue << endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } }}}" Bugs closed To Be Determined multiprecision Boost 1.54.0 Problem fixed multiprecision random uniform_int_distribution