id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 10312,uBLAS have missing accessors in some expressions,correaa@…,Gunter,"For example, these lines are missing from the class `matrix_binary_scalar1`: {{{ public: // around line 2925 in `matrix_expression.hpp` // Expression accessors BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE const expression1_closure_type &expression1 () const { return e1_; } BOOST_UBLAS_INLINE const expression2_closure_type &expression2 () const { return e2_; } }}} Without these lines is impossible to access to the expression template built by ""d*matrix<...>"". where d is a scalar. Other similar classes also miss this, in my opinion all this feature should be in based class. This is most likely an oversight",Bugs,new,Boost 1.57.0,uBLAS,Boost 1.54.0,Problem,,"oversight, missing function, design, acessors, expression template",correaa@…