id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 10330,Boost 1.56 bootstrap.bat failed for intel-win32,Elmira Semenova ,,"New boost.1.56.0 bootstrap.bat fails on Windows with old toolset and with new intel-win32 toolset I used # unzip # ./bootstrap.bat intel-win32 Building Boost.Build engine Failed to build Boost.Build engine. Please consult bootstrap.log for furter diagnostics. You can try to obtain a prebuilt binary from . . . Also, you can file an issue at Please attach bootstrap.log in that case. From attached bootstrap.log: . . . boost_1_56_0\tools\build\src\engine>.\bootstrap\jam0 -f build.jam --toolset=intel-win32 ""--toolset-root= "" -win32 clean Invalid option: -w usage: .\bootstrap\jam0 [ options ] targets... For boost v1.55.0 I used tar.gz archive and ./bootstrap.bat --with-toolset=intel-win but for 1.56.0 it doesn't work. According to recommendation for Ticket #10136 I use *.zip on Windows, but bootstrap.bat doesn't work for intel-win32 ",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,Building Boost,Boost 1.56.0,Showstopper,,,