id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 10336,compilation error in iterator_range and unordered_map,gast128@…,Neil Groves,"I get a compilation error with vc10, iterator_range and a (const) unordered_map (the beta candidate 2 was still ok I think): {{{#!cpp #include ""stdafx.h"" #include #include int _tmain(int /*argc*/, _TCHAR* /*argv*/[]) { typedef boost::unordered_map Container; typedef Container::const_iterator ContainerIterator; typedef boost::iterator_range ContainerIteratorRange; const Container cnt; ContainerIteratorRange rng(cnt.cbegin(), cnt.cend()); return 0; } }}} This gives C2248: 'boost::unordered::iterator_detail::c_iterator::iterator' cannot access private typedef declared in class etc. Eric: Niebler: Well, this is unfortunate. It's broken also on msvc-12 and clang trunk, but strangely not on gcc. I thought it might be due to this change in Boost.Range: But reverting that doesn't have any effect. It works on Boost 1.55, so this is definitely a regression. Can you please file a bug? Neil, can you take a look? A possible fix: ",Bugs,assigned,To Be Determined,range,Boost 1.56.0,Problem,,,