id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 10383,Wrongly character was replaced when using boost::regex,tamber@…,John Maddock,"Hi, When I used regex_replace function to replace whitespace character in one string, I found that another character(0xa0 in memory) was also replaced. The follow is my verification code: int main(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { boost::regex whitespace_re(""\\s+""); string instr = ""a c d f""; cout << ""Before replace instr:"" << instr << endl; instr = boost::regex_replace(instr, whitespace_re, ""-""); cout << ""After replaced instr: "" << instr << endl; string instr2 = ""abcdef""; instr2[0]= 0xa0; instr2[2]= 0xa0; cout << ""Before replace instr2:"" << instr2 << endl; instr2 = boost::regex_replace(instr2, whitespace_re, ""-""); cout << ""After replaced instr2: "" << instr2 << endl; return 0; } And the output is attached. Develop Environment: Windows 7 Professional(language is Einglish U.S.), VS2005. ",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,regex,Boost 1.48.0,Problem,invalid,regex replace,