id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 1038,"""<"" and "">"" should be excaped in xml_oarchive",r.buergel@…,Robert Ramey,"Using templates in BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT fails for XML Archives, because the characters ""<"" and "">"" enclosing the template-parameters aren't escaped. Using templates for other Archives works, so this should be corrected for XML Archives. The xml_iarchive is already correct and understands > respective <. I could reproduce the bug for Boost 1.33.1 and 1.34.0. I'll append a testcase, where the Bug should be reproducable and a patch to fix it. Yours sincerely, René Bürgel",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.36.0,serialization,,Cosmetic,fixed,,