id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 10447,"io_service destructor hangs if serial_port read is queued, even if not running",Martinho Fernandes ,chris_kohlhoff,"The following program does not terminate. {{{ #include int main() { auto* ios = new boost::asio::io_service; auto* port = new boost::asio::serial_port(*ios); port->open(""COM6""); char c; boost::asio::async_read(*port, boost::asio::buffer(&c, 1), [](boost::system::error_code, int) {}); delete ios; } }}} Despite the fact that the io_service is not running, its destructor hangs if there is a pending async_read from a serial_port. If that read completes (by receiving one byte), the program terminates.",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,asio,Boost 1.55.0,Problem,,,