id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 10530,Attempting to define own lexical cast on solaris has to use deprected method,Tom Tanner ,Antony Polukhin,"In version 1.41 of boost, it was possible to do (eg this) namespace boost { template <> bool lexical_cast(std::string const &s) { ... }; } In 1.55 this stopped working on sun workshop compiler (Studio 12, version 5.12) saying 'can't find definition in namespace'. I've had to revert to the deprecated pass-by-value declaration but I can't find any documentation that indicates that this is necessary or why it might have changed.",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,lexical_cast,Boost 1.55.0,Regression,obsolete,,