id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 10757,Building boost with MSVC and SAFESEH,Tobias Loew,olli,"Hi, when building boost on MSVC with SAFESEH (which is implicit on x64-builds) I get linking problems, since the MASM-compiler does not have the ""safeseh"" option on its command line. There is also a thread on boost/dev about this issue I could solve it by adding safeseh in the two files mentioned here: in boost_1_56_0\libs\context\build\Jamfile.v2: actions masm { ml /safeseh /c /Fo""$(<)"" ""$(>)"" } in boost_1_56_0\tools\build\src\tools\msvc.jam: local default-assembler-i386 = ""ml -coff -safeseh"" ; Could someone please add a boost-build-option to control the safeseh-setting. Thanks Tobias",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,context,Boost 1.57.0,Problem,invalid,,