id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 10814 Boost asio socket keeps established connection forever even after endpoint is closed. Iván chris_kohlhoff "Context: Server side: Accept socket loop blocking read from accepted socket Client side: Connect loop blocking write to connected socket Sporadically the client endpoint is ended but the server is not notified of that event. After that, the client can connect again to the server (even tho gdb says the thread is on recv) but the server never returns from the blocking read due to, probably, the new endpoint sending data doesn't match the last one: Server side: {{{ Local Address Foreign Address }}} Client side after connection was dropped: {{{ Local Address Foreign Address }}} As I said, the issue is sporadic but I can reproduce the same blocking behaviour as follows: 1. Run the server and client normally. Client sends data and server reads it. 2. Enable a traffic filter with a firewall blocking/dropping packages at the client. 3. After step 2, I can kill the client process and the server will never realize that the client is no longer there, so it will block at recv forever. Regards, Iván" Bugs new To Be Determined asio Boost 1.57.0 Problem asio established forever blocking