id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 10849,Dereferencing null pointer in Point<>::dimension_checker::apply(),Steve Hickman ,Barend Gehrels,"The following lines: P* p = 0; geometry::set(*p, geometry::get(*p)); indicate that the first parameter of the set<>() call will be a null pointer if it is evaluated before the call to get<>(). If this is intentional *and* you can guarantee that the get<>() call will always be made before the first parameter is evaluated, then it should be documented with comments inline. Or, better yet, split the code into 2 lines to insure *p isn't an attempt to dereference a null pointer and to insure that static code checkers don't think it is.",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,geometry,Boost 1.57.0,Problem,,,