id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 1091,Build.bat does not autodetect msvc on 64-bit Windows when building bjam,jonathon-olesberg@…,René Rivera,"In trying out the release candidate, I noticed a problem with the batch file that builds the bjam executable on windows. If I execute build.bat from the tools\jam\src directory, I get an error: {{{ T:\boost-1_34_1\boost\tools\jam\src>.\build.bat Setting environment for using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 x86 tools. \Microsoft was unexpected at this time. }}} However, if I specify msvc, things work fine: {{{ T:\boost-1_34_1\boost\tools\jam\src>.\build.bat msvc ### ### Using 'msvc' toolset. ### T:\boost-1_34_1\boost\tools\jam\src>rd /S /Q bootstrap T:\boost-1_34_1\boost\tools\jam\src>md bootstrap ... and so on ... }}} The problem only shows up on Win64 systems, possibly because the Microsoft compiler is stored under ""\Program Files (x86)\"" on 64-bit systems. The problem is already fixed in CVS head, but not the 1.34.1 release candidate or the 3.1.14 release of bjam. ",Bugs,closed,Boost.Jam 3.1.15,bjam,,Cosmetic,fixed,bjam Win64,