id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 10922,Fails to link python-extension project when msvc target is used,Pavel Machyniak ,Vladimir Prus,"For `python-extension` project, using target msvc, on link stage the command line is generated incorrectly and the build fails. Generated command line: {{{ link /NOLOGO /INCREMENTAL:NO /DLL /NOENTRY /DEBUG /MACHINE:X86 /MANIFEST /subsystem:console /out:""bin\msvc-12.0\debug\threading-multi\mytest.pyd"" /IMPLIB:""bin\msvc-12.0\debug\threading-multi\mytest.pdb"" /LIBPATH:""C:\Program Files (x86)\Python34\libs"" @""bin\msvc-12.0\debug\threading-multi\mytest.pyd.rsp"" }}} Error displayed: `LINK : fatal error LNK1207: incompatible PDB format in 'D:\Temp\test\bin\msvc-12.0\debug\threading-multi\mytest.pdb'; delete and rebuild` Note the `IMPLIB` part referencing the `.pdb` file instead of the `.lib` file. Steps to reproduce: - unpack the attachment - copy the boost lib to `boost` directory - copy to `boost-build` directory - run `boost-build\bin\b2` - or `boost-build\bin\b2 target=msvc-12` Tested with msvc 10 and 12. Standard shared library/dll project compiles fine.",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,build,Boost Development Trunk,Showstopper,,python-extension build msvc,