id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 10966,packaged_task::reset should not reuse the shared state to conform to C++11,viboes,viboes,"The standard says {{{ void reset(); Effects: as if *this = packaged_task(std::move(f)), where f is the task stored in *this. [ Note: This constructs a new shared state for *this. The old state is abandoned (30.6.4). — end note ] Throws: — bad_alloc if memory for the new shared state could not be allocated. — any exception thrown by the move constructor of the task stored in the shared state. — future_error with an error condition of no_state if *this has no shared state. }}} Boost.Thread reuse the shared state. {{{ Effects: Reset the state of the packaged_task so that it can be called again. }}} ",Feature Requests,assigned,To Be Determined,thread,Boost 1.57.0,Problem,,,