id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 10980,boost::random::random_device bug with /dev/random,Bastiaan Stougie ,No-Maintainer,"There is a bug in boost 1.56 random_device implementation where it can fail to read from /dev/random with an exception ""boost::random_device: EOF while reading random-number pseudo-device /dev/random: Success"" The boost random_device code attempts to read 4 bytes from /dev/random, gets fewer but >0 bytes because /dev/random temporarily runs out of random data, and boost random_device incorrectly concludes that end of file has been reached and throws an exception, where it should just try to read more bytes. ",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,random,Boost 1.56.0,Problem,fixed,random_device,