Boost C++ Libraries: Ticket #11213: Can't debug program using Boost on MacOSX 10.10 using GCC 4.9 and GDB 7 <p> Hi, </p> <p> My problem is when debugging from Eclipse a program that uses Boost (even pure header) then the GDB debugger is unable to locate frame base for the function being trace into. </p> <p> This happens only when using Boost header. </p> <p> Please note that except this, the program works like a charm in debug and release mode. The problem is only for debugging and inspecting source code referring to Boost. </p> <p> Please not also that the problem only affects OSX (Yosemite), mean that no issue for Linux. </p> <p> The issue is that I can't see the value of the local variables. Below is the message I have in the "(x)= Variables" window of Eclipse : </p> <p> Failed to execute MI command: -data-evaluate-expression result Error message from debugger back end: Could not find the frame base for "main()". </p> <p> The code is as simple as : </p> <p> #include &lt;boost/regex.hpp&gt; #include &lt;iostream&gt; int main() { </p> <blockquote> <p> int result = 1; boost::regex reExpression("[a-z]+"); </p> </blockquote> <blockquote> <p> std::cout &lt;&lt; "!!!Hello World !!!" &lt;&lt; std::endl; result ++; </p> </blockquote> <blockquote> <p> cout &lt;&lt; " Result = " &lt;&lt; result &lt;&lt; "\n"; return result; </p> </blockquote> <p> } </p> <p> The program is compiled using the command : </p> <p> g++ -v -o -g bin/Essai-MACOS-Debug src/Essai.cpp -I/opt/local/include /opt/local/lib/libboost_regex-mt.a </p> <p> If you remove the reference to Boost.Regex then everything is ok. I can inspect the value of the local variable result. </p> <p> More interesting: I built a library with a single function relying on Boost, and call that function from main(). It happens that can inspect the code in main() and have the value of main's local variable but when I came inside the library's function, the one now referring to boost then again I can't see the local variables of that function. </p> <p> So it seems that as soon as a source file is referring to Boost, GDB get confused. </p> <p> I have installed GCC 4.9, GDB 7.7 and Boost 1.57 using <a class="missing wiki">MacPort</a> on OSX Yosemit. </p> <p> I've compile Boost from source with <a class="missing wiki">MacPort</a> in order to use GCC instead of GCC using the command : </p> <p> sudo port install -ns boost config.compiler=macport-gcc-4.9 </p> <p> I also tried with a version of Boost I compiled myself and I did have the same issue. </p> <p> Does anyone knows about this problem ? </p> <p> I've compiled and installed the last GDB version from sources (7.9) and have the same issue described here than with the 7.7.1 provided by <a class="missing wiki">MacPorts</a>. </p> en-us Boost C++ Libraries /htdocs/site/boost.png Trac 1.4.3