id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 11214,"Wrong number of entries in std::vector >",Ruediger Berlich ,Robert Ramey,"I have a class with a std::vector >, that is supposed to always have at least one entry, but may have more. Hence, in the default constructor, I initialize the std::vector with one entry. The class is also serializable. Up until Boost 1.57, a de-serialized object always had the correct number of entries in the vector. As of 1.58, I am getting one entry too much, which probably means that Boost.Serialization simply attaches entries to the vector of a default-constructed class, but doesn’t clear it first. This happens in C++11-Mode, both on Ubuntu 14.10 (gcc 4.9.1) as well as on MacOS X Yosemite . It DOES NOT happen with a std::vector . Attached to this ticket is a full test case that replicates the problem in a simplified environment. For Boost 1.57 the program returns: t_vec.size() = 1 \\ t_vec2.size() = 1 \\ For Boost 1.58 the answer is t_vec.size() = 1 \\ t_vec2.size() = 2 \\ Best Regards, \\ Beet",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,serialization,Boost 1.58.0,Regression,fixed,serialization tuple vector,