id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 11229,vector incorrectly copies move-only objects using memcpy,joseph.thomson@…,Ion Gaztañaga,"The behaviour of `__has_trivial_copy` seems to have be corrected in GCC 4.9, such that deleted copy constructors are now considered trivial. This seems to be in-line with the C++ standard and Clang as explained in this issue: This change seems to have exposed a bug in Boost.Container, where objects are copied using memcpy if they have a trivial copy constructor. However, memcpy should only be used as an optimization on trivially copyable objects, the requirements for which include no non-trivial move constructors or assignment operators. Move-only classes like std::unique_ptr have trivial (but deleted) copy constructors, but are not trivially copyable, since they define move operations. To fix this, I think that boost/container/details/utilities.hpp needs to be changed. Perhaps something like this: {{{ template struct is_memtransfer_copy_assignable { static const bool value = are_contiguous_and_same::value && boost::is_copy_assignable< typename ::std::iterator_traits::value_type >::value && boost::has_trivial_assign< typename ::std::iterator_traits::value_type >::value; }; template struct is_memtransfer_copy_constructible { static const bool value = are_contiguous_and_same::value && boost::is_copy_constructible< typename ::std::iterator_traits::value_type >::value && boost::has_trivial_copy< typename ::std::iterator_traits::value_type >::value; }; }}} This is a check for whether the class has a trivial copy constructor/assignment operator, which I believe should be fine. boost::is_copy_assignable used to exist in Boost 1.58.0, but seems to have been removed in the development trunk for some reason. Note that _has_trivial_copy still behaves incorrectly in this circumstance in VC++12. In fact, VC++ seems to have broken boost::is_copy_assignable and boost::is_copy_constructible functions, as well as broken SFINAE detection for copy/move constructors and operators. Thus, the modification I have above will still work around this problem, but only because all of the functions return the wrong values.",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,move,Boost 1.58.0,Problem,fixed,,