id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 11298,Crash when serializing objects with tracking information,Chris Rusby ,Robert Ramey,"I am puzzled by the boost serialization library behaviour. If I have tracking turned on for an object, the output contains object ids - which looks fine. However, when I serialize it back in, the code crashes. If I comment out the tracking (Variant.h line 59) the output looks similar but without the object ids. This time serializing back in succeeds. What I don't get, though, is that the crash seems to be because the inner object is not tracked correctly. Looking at the XML, this still has class_ids and object_ids set correctly - so why is it that the object_ids on the other objects causes this issue? Any help gratefully received. Attached is the test code, plus the two output xml zip files.",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,serialization,Boost 1.44.0,Problem,wontfix,,