id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 1130 GCC -wundef warnings anonymous John Maddock "Compiling code that includes Boost headers with `gcc -wundef` produces a lot of warnings about undefined preprocessor symbols, mainly in `BOOST_WORKAROUND(XXX, ...)` where `XXX` is not defined. Example: boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp line 103: {{{ # if !BOOST_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MSVC, <= 1200 ) // VC++ 6.0 can't handle this }}} should probably be {{{ # if defined( BOOST_MSVC ) && !BOOST_WORKAROUND( BOOST_MSVC, <= 1200 ) }}} " Bugs closed Boost 1.35.0 config Boost 1.34.1 Problem fixed