id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 11321 Compiling for MSVC (Windows) and Clang anonymous "Can you please help me with compiling for msvc (2013) using clang (3.6) on Windows 7.0 I am using the following command, but unsuccessful (perhaps it's the '$'): b2 toolset=clang link=static runtime-link=static --build-type=complete --abbreviate-paths architecture=x86 address-model=32 cxxflags=""-std=c++11 -nostdinc++ -isystem $/c:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~3.0/VC/include -stdlib=libc++"" linkflags=""-stdlib=c++ -L$/c:/PROGRA~2/MICROS~3.0/VC/lib"" --prefix=$/c:/clang -j8 define=BOOST_SYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED stage release install" Support Requests new To Be Determined Building Boost Boost 1.58.0 Problem