id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 11371,"Logging: Advanced event log backend, Blank replaceable parameters",Eusebio Rufian-Zilbermann ,Andrey Semashev,"Overview: I'm trying to use Boost Logging for sending events to the Windows event log. In the event log the replaceable parameters are showing up as empty strings, E.g., for a message of ""Operation finished successfully in %1 seconds."" the event log will simply show ""Operation finished successfully in seconds."" and the value for %1 is lost (instead of replaced into the string). Code: I reproduced this problem on the example provided in the boost distribution itself (libs\log\example\event_log), after commenting out the custom event mapping section, to work around the issue described in ticket 9292, =======Event mapping section to be commented out====== sinks::event_log::custom_event_type_mapping< severity_level > type_mapping(""Severity""); type_mapping[normal] = sinks::event_log::make_event_type(MY_SEVERITY_INFO); type_mapping[warning] = sinks::event_log::make_event_type(MY_SEVERITY_WARNING); type_mapping[error] = sinks::event_log::make_event_type(MY_SEVERITY_ERROR); backend->set_event_type_mapper(type_mapping); =======End of event mapping section to be commented out====== Environment: Windows Server 2008R2 (6.1.7601) with compilers from the Windows SDK 7.0 cl.exe version 15.00.30729.01 (VC9), target processor x64. Message compiler mc.exe version 1.12.7600. ",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,log,Boost 1.57.0,Problem,,,