Boost C++ Libraries: Ticket #11404: boost/numeric/ublas/experimental/sparse_view.hpp fails to compile if -DNDEBUG is used <p> If -DNDEBUG is specified on the command line the header file boost/numeric/ublas/experimental/sparse_view.hpp will not compile. </p> <p> This can also be seen by trying to build/run the test sparse_view_test.tes with "B2 release" </p> <p> Here's a quick cut/paste: </p> <p> $ cat t.cpp #include &lt;boost/numeric/ublas/experimental/sparse_view.hpp&gt; </p> <p> vogeled@nimloth ~ $ g++ -Iboost/boost_1_56_0 -c -DNDEBUG t.cpp In file included from t.cpp:1: boost/boost_1_56_0/boost/numeric/ublas/experimental/sparse_view.hpp:29: error: e xpected template-name before '&lt;' token boost/boost_1_56_0/boost/numeric/ublas/experimental/sparse_view.hpp:29: error: e xpected `{' before '&lt;' token boost/boost_1_56_0/boost/numeric/ublas/experimental/sparse_view.hpp:29: error: e xpected unqualified-id before '&lt;' token boost/boost_1_56_0/boost/numeric/ublas/experimental/sparse_view.hpp:29: error: e xpected `;' before '&lt;' token </p> en-us Boost C++ Libraries /htdocs/site/boost.png Trac 1.4.3