id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 11594,"mpl/test/string.cpp fails, test needs to take into account endianness.",Aparna Kumta ,Aleksey Gurtovoy,"Compiling mpl/test/string.cpp with Oracle Solaris Studio 12.4 on sparc-S2 platform, the test fails as follows: % CC -compat=5 -library=stlport4 -xO4 -mt -erroff=%none -m64 -KPIC -DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB=1 -DNDEBUG -I.. -c -o ./string.o ../libs/mpl/test/string.cpp ""../libs/mpl/test/string.cpp"", line 66: Warning: Multi-character character literal 'aaaa'. ""../libs/mpl/test/string.cpp"", line 66: Warning: Multi-character character literal 'aaaa'. ... ... ""../libs/mpl/test/string.cpp"", line 140: Error: Formal argument 1 of type mpl_::assert<0> in call to mpl_::assertion_failed<0>(mpl_::assert<0>) is being passed mpl_::failed************boost::is_same, boost::mpl::string<24930, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>::************. ""../libs/mpl/test/string.cpp"", line 143: Error: Formal argument 1 of type mpl_::assert<0> in call to mpl_::assertion_failed<0>(mpl_::assert<0>) is being passed mpl_::failed************boost::is_same, boost::mpl::string<6382179, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>::************. ""../libs/mpl/test/string.cpp"", line 146: Error: Formal argument 1 of type mpl_::assert<0> in call to mpl_::assertion_failed<0>(mpl_::assert<0>) is being passed mpl_::failed************boost::is_same, boost::mpl::string<1633837924, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>::************. ""../libs/mpl/test/string.cpp"", line 149: Error: Formal argument 1 of type mpl_::assert<0> in call to mpl_::assertion_failed<0>(mpl_::assert<0>) is being passed mpl_::failed************boost::is_same, boost::mpl::string<1633837924, 101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>::************. ... ""../libs/mpl/test/string.cpp"", line 319: Error: Formal argument 1 of type mpl_::assert<0> in call to mpl_::assertion_failed<0>(mpl_::assert<0>) is being passed mpl_::failed************boost::is_same, boost::mpl::string<1482776929, 1633771873, 1633771873, 1633771873, 1633771873, 1633771873, 1633771873, 1633771873>>::************. ""../libs/mpl/test/string.cpp"", line 321: Warning: Multi-character character literal 'aaaa'. ""../libs/mpl/test/string.cpp"", line 323: Error: Formal argument 1 of type mpl_::assert<0> in call to mpl_::assertion_failed<0>(mpl_::assert<0>) is being passed mpl_::failed************boost::is_same, boost::mpl::string<1482776929, 1633771873, 1633771873, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>::************. Compilation aborted, too many Error messages. % In boost/mpl/string.hpp: #if defined(BOOST_ENDIAN_LITTLE_BYTE) && defined(__SUNPRO_CC) ... #else ... condition should be fixed to correctly detect endiannes. The following change causes the testcase to compile. diff string.hpp string.hpp_new 62c62 < #if defined(BOOST_ENDIAN_LITTLE_BYTE) && defined(__SUNPRO_CC) --- > #if BOOST_ENDIAN_LITTLE_BYTE && defined(__SUNPRO_CC) With this change, the result is: CC -compat=5 -library=stlport4 -xO4 -mt -erroff=%none -m64 -KPIC -DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB=1 -DNDEBUG -I.. -c -o ./string.o ../libs/mpl/test/string.cpp ""../libs/mpl/test/string.cpp"", line 66: Warning: Multi-character character literal 'aaaa'. ... ""../libs/mpl/test/string.cpp"", line 363: Warning: Multi-character character literal 'el'. 72 Warning(s) detected. %",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,mpl,Boost Development Trunk,Problem,,,