id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 11680,boost::polygon::connectivity_extraction::extract crashes when no polygons were inserted,mhilferink@…,Lucanus Simonson,"steps to reproduce: {{{#!C++ #include int main() { boost::polygon::connectivity_extraction ce; std::vector > graph; ce.extract(graph); // causes access violation } }}} The debugger indicates an access violation in {{{#!C++ template static inline void compute_histogram_in_y(iT begin, iT end, std::size_t size, std::vector > >& histogram); }}} Apparently, the original coder assumed (incorrectly?) that the given size != 0. a simple 'if' would probably resolve this I do in my client code as well. I just wonder what the best level would be to introduce this if: - connectivity_extraction::extract - arbitrary_connectivity_extraction::execute - or better in boost::polygon::line_intersection::validate_scan ?",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,polygon,Boost 1.58.0,Problem,,,