id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 11803 Fails with closed intervals fails in some border cases.… Joachim Faulhaber "ICL seems not to handle sets that contain the maximum element of the domain type. I have attached a file that shows the problem. The problem is in the fie \boost\icl\concept\interval.hpp (line 1145) in the left_subtract. It should look like this: {{{ template typename boost::enable_if, Type>::type left_subtract(Type right, const Type& left_minuend) { if(exclusive_less(left_minuend, right)) return right; else if(upper_less_equal(right, left_minuend)) return identity_element::value(); return construct(domain_next(upper(left_minuend)), upper(right)); } }}} Where as it actually looks like this: {{{ template typename boost::enable_if, Type>::type left_subtract(Type right, const Type& left_minuend) { if(exclusive_less(left_minuend, right)) return right; return construct(domain_next(upper(left_minuend)), upper(right)); } }}} The right subtract function is ok. The comment for the left_subtract functions is also wrong. ""Return the difference: The part of \c right '''right''' of \c left_minuend."" The word ""right"" in BOLD should read ""left""." Bugs closed To Be Determined ICL Boost 1.59.0 Showstopper fixed