id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 11807,"sun.jam needs updating when creating shared libraries compiled with -std=[c++03,c++11] mode.",Aparna Kumta ,Vladimir Prus,"When compiling with Oracle Solaris Studio compilers in -std=[c++03,c++11] modes, several python tests fail with the following error: ImportError: isapython2.6: fatal: relocation error: file /export/home/boost_regression_develop/boost_sparc-S2_cpp11/results/boost/bin.v2/libs/python/test/injected.test/sun-next_cpp11/ release/threading-multi/ symbol _ZTIv: referenced symbol not found These errors occur when any libraries that are linked into the application that has no C++11 runtime already linked in. When creating shared libraries, for line 159 in the sun.jam file 157 actions link.dll bind LIBRARIES 158 { 159 ""$(CONFIG_COMMAND)"" $(OPTIONS) -L""$(LINKPATH)"" -R""$(RPATH)"" -o ""$(<)"" -h$(<[1]:D=) -G $(STDLIBOPT) ""$(>)"" ""$(LIBRARIES)"" -Bdynamic -l$(FINDLIBS-SA) -Bstatic -l$(FINDLIBS-ST) -B$(LINK-RUNTIME) 160 } replacing '-G' with '-G -library=stdcpp,CrunG3' seems to resolve the issue. I will submit a PR shortly and specify the PR# to this ticket for reference. If interested, here is the archive on the Boost developers build regarding this issue.",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,build,Boost 1.60.0,Problem,,,