id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 1181,[boost.python] can modify enum value,qiaozhiqiang@…,troy d. straszheim,"I use boost 1.34.0, python 2.5.1 User can modify the enum value, But enum should be a const value(read only). {{{ #!cpp enum my_enum{my_value}; struct my_s{ enum{ my_value2 };}; void my_export { enum_< my_enum >(""my_enum"") .value(""my_value"", my_value); scope* my_s_scope = new scope(class_< my_s>(""my_s"", init< >())); scope().attr(""my_value2"") = (int)my_value2; delete my_s_scope; } }}} {{{ #!python #in python module.my_enum.my_value = 1 print module.my_enum.my_value module.my_s.my_value2 = 2 print module.my_s.my_value2 # we can modify the const value. # output # 1 # 2 }}}",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,python USE GITHUB,Boost 1.34.0,Problem,,enum modify,