id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 11849,-DBOOST_TYPEOF_EMULATION is not needed for scope_exit/run-vaseq test with Oracle studio 12.5,angela.xie@…,Lorenzo Caminiti,"-DBOOST_TYPEOF_EMULATION is no longer needed for scope_exit/run-vaseq tests for Oracle studio 12.5 solution: line 11-18 of Jamfile.v2 of scope_exit/test: 11:rule run-vaseq ( command target ) 12:{ 13: # Sun does not automatically detect type-of emulation mode (force it). 14: run $(target).cpp : : : sun: BOOST_TYPEOF_EMULATION ; 15: run $(target)_seq.cpp : : : sun: BOOST_TYPEOF_EMULATION ; 16: run $(target)_seq_nova.cpp : : : 17: sun:BOOST_TYPEOF_EMULATION ; 18} remove line 13: remove sun:BOOST_TYPEOF_EMULATION ; for $(target), $(target)_seq and $(target)_seq_nova tests. rule run-vaseq ( command target ) { run $(target).cpp : : : ; run $(target)_seq.cpp : : : ; run $(target)_seq_nova.cpp : : : ; } ",Bugs,new,To Be Determined,scope_exit,Boost 1.59.0,Problem,,,