id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 11878,Locale dependend number formatting doesn't work with MSVC release config,octavian.cacina@…,Artyom Beilis,"I have this Problem on Windows with Visual Studio 2015 and boost 1.60. The formatting of float numbers is not working properly, when using Release configuration with dynamic runtime. The Debug configuration or the Release with static runtime work as expected. This can be quite a show stopper if one is relying on boost::locale for number formatting. For a german locale the number must be formatted as ""2,14"". In Release config is formatted as ""2.14"" Here is the test code and the output for Debug and Release. {{{#!c++ #include #include #include #include ""boost/locale.hpp"" int main() { using namespace std; float v = 2.14f; // Use std locale to format a float auto stdLocale = std::locale(""German_germany""); cout.imbue(stdLocale); cout << ""std locale "" << v << endl; auto& stdNumPunct = std::use_facet>(stdLocale); cout << ""std locale decimal_point "" << stdNumPunct.decimal_point() << endl; cout << ""std locale num_put ""; auto& stdFacet = std::use_facet>(stdLocale); stdFacet.put(cout, cout, '0', v); cout << endl; // Use boost locale to format a float boost::locale::generator gen; auto boostLocale = gen(""de_DE.UTF-8""); cout.imbue(boostLocale); cout << ""boost locale "" << boost::locale::as::number << v << endl; auto& boostNumPunct = std::use_facet>(boostLocale); cout << ""boost locale decimal_point "" << boostNumPunct.decimal_point() << endl; cout << ""boost locale num_put ""; auto& boostFacet = std::use_facet>(boostLocale); boostFacet.put(cout, cout, '0', v); cout << endl; return 0; } }}} {{{ ...\Debug> LocaleNumPunct.exe std locale 2,14 std locale decimal_point , std locale num_put 2,14 boost locale 2,14 boost locale decimal_point , boost locale num_put 2,14 ...\Release>LocaleNumPunct.exe std locale 2,14 std locale decimal_point , std locale num_put 2,14 boost locale 2.14 boost locale decimal_point , boost locale num_put 2.14 }}}",Bugs,closed,To Be Determined,locale,Boost 1.60.0,Problem,wontfix,,