id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 11881 b2 returns code 256 exit code instead zero pavel.odintsov@… "Hello! I'm using b2 from boost_build1.5.8 and run it with flags: Command HOME=/root PATH=$PATH:/opt/fastnetmon/libraries/gcc520/bin /opt/fastnetmon/libraries/boost_build1.5.8/bin/b2 -j8 -sICU_PATH=/opt/fastnetmon/libraries/libicu_56_1 --build-dir=/tmp/ toolset=gcc-5.2 link=shared --without-test --without-python --without-wave --without-graph --without-coroutine --without-math --without-log --without-graph_parallel --without-mpi But I get 256 instead zero in case of correct exit. Could you fix this? " Bugs new To Be Determined Building Boost Boost 1.61.0 Problem