id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 11921 Bootstrap fails to run on windows 8.1 vc12 due to environment variable junaid1@… "I have noticed that on my system (win 8.1 vc12) I have an environment variable that causes bootstrap to fail due to the link subsystem set to windows by default, the environment variable is LINK=/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS,5.01 error is error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16 referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup The problem can be resolved by explicitly setting the link subsystem via compiler ""link"" switch ""-link -subsystem:console"" , since this is a link switch it can only be added at the end of the compile command i.e cannot add it to compiler flags I had to make this change to the build.bat and build.jam files by searching for the compiler commands and hardcoding this flag at the end of a compiler command. Since I don't know much about how to fix this in a more ""non-hardcoded"" way I thought I would log it so that the experts can fix it properly." Bugs new To Be Determined Building Boost Boost 1.60.0 Problem