id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,milestone,component,version,severity,resolution,keywords,cc 11930,huiller method is inaccurate,Charles Karney ,Barend Gehrels,"The following code illustrates a problem with the ""huiller"" strategy for computing spherical areas. It computes the area of a sequence of progressively skinny triangles. The relative errors in the computed areas are much larger than they need be. {{{#!c++ #include #include #include namespace bg = boost::geometry; typedef bg::model::point > pt; int main() { bg::model::polygon poly; bg::read_wkt(""POLYGON((0 45,0 -45,0 0))"", poly); double c = 0.014458780939650811; std::cout << "" area relerr"" << ""\n""; for (int i = 3; i <= 6; ++i) { double h = std::pow(10.0, -i); poly.outer()[2].set<0>(h); double area = bg::area(poly), // Relative error in this estimate is 2e-11 for h = 0.001 area0 = h * c; std::cout << area << "" "" << (area - area0)/(area0) << ""\n""; } } }}} Running this code gives {{{ area relerr 1.44588e-05 -2.0871e-06 1.44594e-06 4.55941e-05 1.43961e-07 -0.00433739 0 -1 }}} Discussion: * Surely it's a bad idea to embed the algorithm name ""huiller"" into the API. Computing spherical areas is really straightforward. Users shouldn't need to worry about the underlying method. Maybe ""spherical_area"" is a better name. * In any case, you've misspelled the guy's name. It's either ""l'Huilier"" or ""l'Huillier"" with two ""i""s. * Furthermore, you're needlessly blackening l'Huilier's name by applying his formula for the area of a spherical triangle in terms of its sides. * The three-side formula is a terrible choice because if a + b is nearly equal to c (as is the case in my example), the triangle is badly condititioned. * Much better is to use the formula of the area of a triangle in terms of two sides and the included angle. See the last two formulas in the Wikipedia article on [ spherical excess]. This nicely reduces to the familar trapezium rule in the plane limit. * This formula comes with a sign attached, so there's no need to kludge a sign on afterwards as there is with the current implementation. * This formula together with an ellipsoidal correction is used by [ GeographicLib] for computing geodesic areas. ",Bugs,closed,Boost 1.64.0,geometry,Boost 1.58.0,Problem,fixed,area,charles.karney@…