id summary reporter owner description type status milestone component version severity resolution keywords cc 1200 Revamp the header information Joel de Guzman Daniel James "(see this thread for context: Allow a couple of the (header) items there to be *overridden* in included files. Example: * copyright (a) or (b) * authors (a) or (b) * license (a) or (b) * last-revision (a), if it's more recent than current value where: a) Merge with the current value. b) Use new value only for current file/doc. I took out all the ones you have as (c) -- Ignore the new value. I also took out source-mode since this can already be overridden. So, these overrides can be placed anywhere. Example: main.qbk [library foo [quickbook 1.4] [version 1.4] [copyright 2006 Joe Bloke] [authors [Bloke, Joe]] [purpose Whatever...] [license Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at [@]) ] [last-revision $Date: 2006/09/16 09:21:08 $] ] include.qbk [license Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at [@]) ] [last-revision $Date: 2006/09/16 09:21:08 $] John (M): I like the way this is going, but I would actually prune the list of overrides a little more: [last-revision...] Definitely needed, as per my original post :-) [quickbook....] Also needed so that individual includes can start using new features without having to go through and fix errors in the whole doc. [version...] Not sure about this one, shouldn't a library have a single version number? [copywrite...][authors...] These would be useful to have: especially for ""meta-libraries"" like Boost.Math which has many sub-components by different authors. The ideal world senario - probably not possible (!) - would be to merge all the author names onto the main front page, but for sections just to include the authors who worked on that section. Does that make sence? [purpose...] Isn't this used just once on the main page, or maybe the index of libraries? I don't see any great advantage to having more than one such block. [license...] Given that everything should be under the same license (as far as Boost is concerned anyway), having more than one such block just complicates things. " Tasks new To Be Determined quickbook Boost 1.34.1 Problem